
Latest version: v0.1.0

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Yasgi is a tiny, small (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.9+ using orjson.

The key features are:

* **Tiny**: Small size and performance.
* **Fewer bugs**: Reduce about 40% of human (developer) induced errors.
* **Intuitive**: Great editor support. <abbr title="also known as auto-complete, autocompletion, IntelliSense">Completion</abbr> everywhere. Less time debugging.
* **Easy**: Designed to be easy to use, Play and Plug.
* **Short**: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter declaration. Fewer bugs.


<div class="termy">

$ pip install yasgi

---> 100%


You will also need an ASGI server, for production such as <a href="https://www.uvicorn.org" class="external-link" target="_blank">Uvicorn</a> or <a href="https://github.com/pgjones/hypercorn" class="external-link" target="_blank">Hypercorn</a>.

<div class="termy">

$ pip install "uvicorn[standard]"

---> 100%



Create it

* Create a file `main.py` with:

from yasgi import YASGI, Routing

app = YASGI(content_type="text/html")

Routing("/endpoint", methods=["GET", "POST"])
async def endpoint(Request, Response):
set response header
Response.add_header("X-header", "hello")
set response cookie
Response.set_cookie("cookie_from_server", "384")
set response body
return "hello world"

Now you should run it!

Run it

Run the server with:

<div class="termy">

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [28720]
INFO: Started server process [28722]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.

The command `uvicorn main:app` refers to:

* `main`: the file `main.py` (the Python "module").
* `app`: the object created inside of `main.py` with the line `app = YASGI()`.
* `--reload`: make the server restart after code changes. Only do this for development.



from yasgi import YASGI

application = YASGI(content_type="application/json", allow="*", charset="UTF-8")

ASGI parameters

* `content_type` - specifies the default content type of generated responses (optional, default: `application/json`)
* `charset` - specifies the default charset generated responses (optional, default: `UTF-8`)
* `allow` - specifies global setting for `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header - can be overwrite by passing that header to response headers (optional, default `None` - for public API should be set to `*`)


Routers parameters

* `endpoint` - object should contain str or regex Pattern to match request path (mandatory)
* `type` - defines that routed is serving HTTP or WebSocket protocol (possible values: `http`, `websocket`; default: `http`)
* `methods` - list of HTTP methods to match request method - higher priority than method (optional, default: [`GET`], should be only be specified on `http` type routes)
* \*kwargs - other arguments - can be accessed by middleware in states `routed` and `end`
* `content-type`


Route is used as a decorator callable object you want to use as router method.
Router method takes two mandatory arguments `Request` and `Response` (explained below in a separate section).
Router method can also take variables from router regex match (if used).

HTTP Examples

import re
from yasgi import Routing

simple route
Routing("/endpoint", method="GET")
simple route method
async def routed_method_1(request, response):
response return without status code & mime type
return "Response from route 1"

re package import needed
Routing(re.compile("/endpoint/(\d+)$"), methods=["GET", "POST"])
regex route, with multiple methods
async def routed_method_2(request, response, number):
full response return
return f"Response from route - url_number is: {number}", "200 OK", "text/html"

Routing("/endpoint3", methods=["GET", "POST"])
simple route, with multiple methods
async def routed_method_2(request, response):
alternatively can be called response method set to set response
response.set("Response by set")

Raise HTTP status

Raise HTTPStatus is used to raise HTTP status code, and optional message.

from http import HTTPStatus
from yasgi import Routing

Routing("/raise_endpoint", methods=["POST"])
async def routed_method_2(request, response):
if not request.data:
raise HTTPStatus("400 BAD REQUEST", "400 BAD REQUEST")
return "data sent"

Request & Response objects

Instances of these object are given to every function that is called with `Routing` decorator.

from yasgi import Routing

Routing("/endpoint", method="GET")
async def endpoint(Request, Response):
instances of Request and Response objects

Request items and methods (HTTP)

* `method` - request method (GET, POST etc.) : read only
* `path` - request path: read only
* `query_params` - `dict` of query_string parameters
* `data` - request parsed data (json, -www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data) : read only
* `headers` - HTTP headers : read only (may contain `content_length` and `content_type` in post requests)
* `cookies` - dict contains `SimpleCookie` object of every cookie loaded
* `scope` - raw asgi scope object
* `event` - raw asgi event object

Response items and methods (HTTP)

* `content_type` - response content-type : read only - can be specified in route
* `charset` - response encoding; default: `UTF-8`
* `headers` - `list` of response headers:
* `redirect(location, status)` - redirects response to (`location`, `status` if not provide is set to `302`)
* `set_cookie(name, value, expires=None, maxAge=None, **kwargs)` - adds cookie to response with obvious parameters, you can alow add additional arguments (`kwargs`) such as `Domain`, `Path`, `Secure`, `HttpOnly`
* `add_header(name, value)` - adds header to response
* `process(data, status=200)` - allow to manual process response

What's Changed
* ✨ Rock `yasgi` to the moon by yezz123 in https://github.com/yezz123/yasgi/pull/1

New Contributors
* yezz123 made their first contribution in https://github.com/yezz123/yasgi/pull/1

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/yezz123/yasgi/commits/0.1.0



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