Major release, released 8 Oct 2017
- Reverted the change introduced in version 3.0 to use uppercase `-E`
and `-V` option flags for extension and variable files. Fixes
the SCons builder, which was still using lowercase options.
- Changed the way how template variables given as part of the
command-line call are defined. From this version all unknown long
options which has a proper value are interpreted as a template
variable, e.g. `--foo=bar` or `--foo bar`. Note that `-v foo bar` is
not working anymore.
- Fixed an issue where the command-line call `yasha ../template.j2`
searched for template companion files till root folder.
- Python literals can be used as part of the command-line call,
e.g. `yasha --foo "['bar', 'baz']" template.j2`.
- Added `env` template filter to read system environment variable.
- Added `shell` template filter to run a shell command. and to connect
its standard output. Requires Python >= 3.5.
- Added `subprocess` template filter to spawn new processes, but unlike
shell a CompletedProcess instance is returned, or CalledProcessError
in case of error. Requires Python >= 3.5.
- Added parser for XML type of variable files. Uses xmltodict.
- Added command-line option `-c` to set template encoding. Default is UTF-8.
- JSON parser updated to use `safe_load` (security).
- Within extension file, custom variable file parsers are now defined
either as a function named as `parse_`+ `<file extension>`, or the
parse-function is given via `PARSERS` dictionary with the key indicating
the file extension.
- Within extension file, custom filters and tests can be also given
via `FILTERS` and `TESTS` dictionary. This allows using external
filters easily, e.g. from Ansible.
- Common extension file can be now set via `YASHA_EXTENSIONS` system
environment variable.
- Command-line option `--no-variables` changed to `--no-variable-file`.
- Command-line option `--no-extensions` changed to `--no-extension-file`.
- Removed the variable/extension file overwrite protection introduced
in version 3.1. Caused more confusion than protection.