* Updated [`cisco-ios-xr`]( bundle to support Cisco IOS XR 6.3.1 release
* Updated [`cisco-ios-xe`]( bundle to continue to support Cisco IOS XE 16.6.1 release and make it compatible with `ydk core` version `0.6.1`
* Also updated [`openconfig`]( bundle version 0.1.4 with additional support for optical transport (channel monitor, optical amplifier, terminal device and transport line)
* Improved Service Providers
* Improved Netconf Service Provider to support timeout and retrieving device capabilities ([217](, [#492](, [#557](
* Decoupled path API-specific details from Service Provider and created Netconf & Restconf Session to be used instead of Provider in path API ([494](, [#511](
* Fixed segmentation fault with the `openconfig-platform` model ([527](
* Improved Netconf Service's `kill_session` method ([528](
Note on cisco-ios-xe bundle
* As specified above, the [`cisco-ios-xe`]( bundle version was updated to `16.6.1.post1` without any of the models being changed. This is because the already released `16.6.1` bundle is not compatible with the `ydk core` version `0.6.1`. So, when upgrading your `core` version to be `0.6.1`, please also update the XE bundle to version `16.6.1.post1`.
* Fixed documentation issues for installation ([529](, [#531](, [#542](, [#541](
* Improved API documentation ([424](, [#94](
* Improved model API generation
* reduced size of generated python model API ([544](
* fixed issues with class names not following the CapWords style and models containing enum leafrefs ([538](, [#550](, [#475](