
Latest version: v0.8.8

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* Since logstash has no "latest" image tag, the default image name has been removed.
* Project now uses poetry instead of
* `YellowKafka` has been renamed to `KafkaService`
* `YellowLogstash` has been renamed to `LogstashService`
* extra dependencies are now starred to increase compatibility.
* Major overhaul to class hierarchy. All "extras" services can now only be initialized using docker client.
* `KafkaService` Now accepts teo ports to bind to, one for external communication via docker host, and another for internal communication via networks.
* Short examples in the readme
* This changelog
* automatic testing in github repository
* the default package can now be used to import some common names.
* `KafkaService` can now accept the names of the zookeeper and broker images
* `connect` now accepts keyword arguments, forwarded to the inner connect call.
* `RabbitMQService` tests now include vhost cases.
* Utility functions `download_file` and `upload_file`
* `RabbitMQService` now has multiple management-related methods (useful for debugging)
* `BlobStorageService`: a new extra service that holds azurite blob storage.
* The `clean_slate` context for `RedisService` and `RabbitService` that ensures the service is in an empty state before and after the context.
* `RedisService`'s new `set_state` method to easily set the state of the internal redis DB.
* automatic linting on every PR
* all extra client methods also accept `**kwargs` forwarded to client constructor
* `BlobStorageService.connection_string` for obtaining the connection string to the container's blob storage.
* `BlobStorageService.container_connection_string` for obtaining the connection string to be used inside a docker network.
* `containers.short_id(container)` retrieves the short id of a container.
* Bug where tests failed on linux because linux doesn't have `host.docker.internal`. Linux now uses IP `` to target host.
* Bug where services would fail if trying to run a non-pulled image.
* Issue where the rabbit service test was not tries on the main tag.
* restored some network tests
* Bug in `connect` where networks would try to disconnect containers that have since been removed.
* Bug in `KafkaService` where the service would try to kill if the containers even if they are no longer running.
* Bug in `KafkaService` where the network would not disconnect from the server after.
* Bug in `RabbitMQService` where the container would no kill cleanly
* When removing a container, the volumes are now removed as well.


initial release

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