
Latest version: v20240927

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- Send the bytes received report more frequently as required by the
recent changes on Yle servers.
- Fixed compilation on Fedora 11.


- Fixed a file corruption caused by auto resume.
- Failed to connect when redirected.


- New --autoResume mode for automatically resuming timed out streams
(enabled in yle-dl by default). Long streams can now be downloaded
in a single session.
- Replace characters in filenames that are illegal on certain
- Fix buffer overflows. Code is now Valgrind-clean. Avoids crash if -o
option given and the file exists.
- Downloads cancelled with Ctrl-C can again be resumed (regression
since 1.1).


- Re-enable faster than real-time downloads by correctly setting
the buffer size before connecting.
- Send swfUrl when connecting. The Areena servers now refuses to talk
to us without it. Also other changes that bring the generated RTMP
packets closer to Areena flash player.


- Support for Areena net radios and live streams (although live
streams are buggy).
- Support for Akamai servers (only live streams tested).
- Fixed compilation on Fedora 11.
- Options --quiet and --verbose for controlling the output verbosity.
Be quieter by default.
- Use considerably less CPU by updating the progress indicator less
- Fixed a buffer overflow and other potential problems. Thanks to
Reijo Tomperi.
- Use the PREFIX defined in Makefile when calling rtmpdump-yle in
- It is now possible to download videos that require YLE passi by
giving the Areena cookie with the --auth command line option.
- Append the optional parameters to the play packet only when their
values differ from default. The server seems be less likely to drop
connections this way.
- yle-dl now correctly quotes parameters that contains white space.


- Fixed a memory corruption in MP3 URL parsing code caused by
allocating too few bytes.
- Remove '/' from the file names, and '.' from the beginning of the
file names.
- Removed bashisms from yle-dl. Fixes --help on non-bash shells.
- Avoid the temporary file by create the final destination file after
receiving stream title but before starting downloading.
- Don't overwrite files: append an integer to file name, if the file
already exists.
- When extracting clip ID, download the page if necessary. Now also
program name URLs can be used in addition to clip ID URLs.

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