
Latest version: v1.2

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Depend on and use the new features of the zc.buildout 1.5 line. At the same
time support for zc.buildout <= 1.5.1 has been dropped.

- Fixed test setup to run with current zopetoolkit packages.
Made sure tests still run on older platforms, particularly Zope 2.12.

- Using python's `doctest` module instead of deprecated

- Typo change in configuration: exludeDirNames becomes excludeDirNames (old
name is still supported for backward compatibility).



- Fixed test setup to run with current packages.

- Added buildout option `verify_domain`. When set to ``true``
i18nextract only retrives the message ids of specified domain from
python files. Otherwise (default and previous behavior) all messages
ids in all domains in python files are retrieved.



- Feature: Added new 'headerTemplate' option that allows to specify the path
of a customized pot header template.

- Feature: Added new 'extraPaths` option that is included in the PYTHONPATH.
This allows for instance the use with Zope 2.11.

- Makers are now called with additional keyword arguments.

- Fixed dependencies: The 'extract' extra of zope.app.locales is required.



- Fix bug where zcml_strings collect the same path more then once because it
follows the configuration zcml for each package.

- Fix bug where i18ncompile miscalculated domains containing ".", everything
after the "." was ignored.

- The ``excludeDefaultDomain`` option actually works now.



- Fix bug where i18nmerge miscalculated domains containing ".", everything
after the "." was ignored.



- Feature: Generate ``*.po`` file based on ``*.pot`` file if non exists in
i18nmerge script

- Feature: Implemented i18ncompile script which uses ``msgfmt -o moPath poPath``

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