- Make tests compatible with ``zope.component >= 5``.
- Add support for Python 3.7.
- Drop support for Python 3.3.
- Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.
- Remove test dependency on ``zope.app.testing`` and ``zope.app.zcmlfiles``, among others.
- zope.configuration changed action tuples to action dicts. This version works with the new action dict given from zope.configuration since version 3.8.0. This version is not compatible with zope.configuration version less then 3.8.0
- Fundamental change in the way how baseregistry hooks into ZCA. Now it uses hooks.setSite, which requires that zope.component hooks are in place. Usually they are installed by zope.app.appsetup. Unless you use zope.app.appsetup, install the hooks with zope.component.hooks.setHooks(). This applies to zope.component versions >= 3.9.4.