
Latest version: v1.0

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Skip nonexistent sys.path directories to avoid ctags warnings.



* Support new script features from zc.buildout 1.5 and higher. This version
requires zc.buildout 1.5 or higher.

* Also index Mako and HTML files with id-utils.



* Add support for using this recipe as a `paver <http://www.blueskyonmars.com/projects/paver/>`_ task.

* Also index Javascript, CSS and ReStructuredText files with id-utils.

* Define a default entry point for zc.buildout, so you can simply say::

recipe = z3c.recipe.tag



* Allow command-line choices for what files to build, and what languages ctags
should parse. (Note that the default behavior of running ``./bin/tags``
is the same as previous releases.)

* Support the Mac OS X packaging system "macports" (exuberant ctags is
``ctags-exuberant`` in Ubuntu and ``ctags`` in macports).

* Support creating BBEdit-style ctags files.

* Small changes for development (use bootstrap external, set svn:ignore)



- Initial release.

* buildout recipe for generating ctags of eggs used.

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