- support python 3.5+ - iss 17 - drop python 2 support - iss 17
- testing various tornado versions - iss 25 - proxy request to other server - iss 24 - tornado 4.0 support - iss16 - simple console args - iss 8 - multiple header support - 26
- add travis CI - iss 15 - response delay - iss 12 - fix: use default response when empty config given - iss 6 - useful report about json syntax error - iss 23 - watch for stubs files changes and reload server automaticaly - iss 20 - watch for config changes and reload server automaticaly - iss 19
- Match query args - iss 10 - fix: Valid headers with ':' not parsed - iss 11 - `--ports` is required - iss 5 - add install instructions - iss 1