- 290: fix `basePath` having a trailing slash (and special case `basePath=="/"`) - 292: add `--mock` option to Connexion CLI, see http://connexion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.htmlrunning-a-mock-server
- 298: allow specifying the host to listen on - 287/289: respect what the API consumes (do not always assume JSON)
- 294: add `--version` option to Connexion CLI (print current version) - 297: add `--base-path` option to Connexion CLI (overwrite Swagger `basePath`)
- 284: allow running Connexion via CLI (`connexion run swagger.yaml --stub`) - 274: fix operation ID handling - 278: map bad operation ID to HTTP status code (e.g. "not implemented")
- 271: support operation functions with `**kwargs` - 260: support Python versions with non-numeric patchlevel (e.g. "2.7.11a1")
- 256: fix OAuth scope check - 225: optionally validate parameters strictly (fail on extra params)