_Okay, I dropped the ball for a long time. Bad BDFL!_
_New releases will come much faster once again_
* Pip10 compatibility
* Add support for base path configuration in API gateway custom domain.
* Fix path case sensitivity in get_installed_packages
* Move task decorator async decision from import time to call time.
* Fix documentation error in authorizer stanza of zappa_settings.json.
* Adding explicit UTF-8 encoding for Flask app detection
* Bump lambda packages version
* Fix for work with latest Werkezeug
* Fixed parameter name from 'FunctionNmae' -> 'FunctionName'
* Remove `use`; fixes 1522
* Philippe Trounev is awesome
* fix case sensitivity problem for comparing package location
* isBase64Encoded is a boolean flag instead of string true
* check pip return code as sometimes pypi lookup fails
* Add support to delete old versions of lambda functions.
* Reactor title casing of dict keys into a utility function
* Add `role_arn` settings variable
* ..and too many more, check the changelog!