This release of Zarr Python is the first release of Zarr to not support Python 3.6.
* Update ABSStore for compatibility with newer `azure.storage.blob`.
By :user:`Tom Augspurger <TomAugspurger>`; :issue:`759`.
* Pathlib support.
By :user:`Chris Barnes <clbarnes>`; :issue:`768`.
* Clarify that arbitrary key/value pairs are OK for attributes.
By :user:`Stephan Hoyer <shoyer>`; :issue:`751`.
* Clarify how to manually convert a DirectoryStore to a ZipStore.
By :user:`pmav99 <pmav99>`; :issue:`763`.
Bug fixes
* Fix dimension_separator support.
By :user:`Josh Moore <joshmoore>`; :issue:`775`.
* Extract ABSStore to zarr._storage.absstore.
By :user:`Josh Moore <joshmoore>`; :issue:`781`.
* avoid NumPy 1.21.0 due to https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/19325
By :user:`Gregory Lee <grlee77>`; :issue:`791`.
* Drop 3.6 builds.
By :user:`Josh Moore <joshmoore>`; :issue:`774`, :issue:`778`.
* Fix build with Sphinx 4.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`; :issue:`799`.
* TST: add missing assert in test_hexdigest.
By :user:`Gregory Lee <grlee77>`; :issue:`801`.
.. _release_2.8.3: