
Latest version: v5.0.1

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* Flask-smorest integration. Based on `63 <https://github.com/zemfrog/zemfrog/issues/63>`_
* Refactor Code: added scaffolding
* FIX: use 'alt_response' instead of 'response' to wrap multiple responses.
* FIX: configuration to enable / disable OpenAPI
* IMPROVE: no longer supports to load main urls
* IMPROVE: Add a command description to the sub application
* IMPROVE: use 'subprocess.call' instead of 'os.system'
* Change the name of the password reset request template
* create pyup.io config file



* FIX: Load the blueprint name
* FIX: unknown column
* NEW: added codecov workflow (testing)
* NEW: add default value to 'confirmed' column



* FIX: role & permission relation
* FIX: typo column name
* IMPROVE: split blueprint and task to global
* IMPROVE: split error handlers to global
* IMPROVE: set default blueprint to blank
* IMPROVE: Use schema from source rather than local proxy
* IMPROVE: Using the model name corresponding user input



* Fix https://github.com/zemfrog/zemfrog/issues/87
* Add pre-commit to requirements-dev.txt



* FIX: response message in jwt & error handler boilerplate
* FIX: update zemfrog version in requirements.txt



* IMPROVE: Move extensions to global
* NEW: add pre-commit tool
* IMPROVE: refactor json response
* Refactor Code: run pre-commit
* IMPROVE: Change 'SystemExit' to 'ValidationError'
* IMPROVE: Rename the api directory to apis
* NEW: add autoflake hook
* Changed the stable version status to BETA

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