What's Changed
* Change zeno ops to dict to deal with mandatory fields by cabreraalex in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/97
* Added chatbot report by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/98
* Fix cached data for chatbots by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/100
* Update images in chatbot report by cabreraalex in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/99
* Add headline image and fix markdownlint by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/102
* Fix broken images in chatbot report by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/103
* Fix broken link to chatbot report by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/104
* build: bump zeno version by cabreraalex in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/106
* Refactoring for code cleanliness, parallelization by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/107
* Improve docs by neubig in https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/pull/110
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build/compare/v0.0.0a1...v0.0.1