
Latest version: v9.2.0

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- Always create wheels, except when you explicitly switch this off in the config:
``[zest.releaser] create-wheel = no``.
If the ``wheel`` package is not available, we still do not create wheels.
Fixes `issue 406 <https://github.com/zestsoftware/zest.releaser/issues/406>`_.

- Do not fail when tag versions cannot be parsed.
This can happen in ``lasttaglog``, ``lasttagdiff``, and ``bumpversion``, with ``setuptools`` 66 or higher.
Fixes `issue 408 <https://github.com/zestsoftware/zest.releaser/issues/408>`_.



- Drop support for Python 3.6. [maurits]

- Support reading and writing the version in ``pyproject.toml``.
See `issue 295 <https://github.com/zestsoftware/zest.releaser/issues/295>`_,
`issue 373 <https://github.com/zestsoftware/zest.releaser/issues/373>`_,
and `PEP-621 <https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/>`_,



- Add option ``run-pre-commit = yes / no``.
Default: no.
When set to true, pre commit hooks are run.
This may interfere with releasing when they fail.



- Auto-detect ``history_format`` based on history filename.

- Add ``history_format`` option, to explicitly set changelogs
entries in Markdown.



- Add the ``bumpversion`` options to the ``postrelease`` command.
This means ``feature``, ``breaking``, and ``final``.
[rnc, maurits]

- Add ``--final`` option to ``bumpversion`` command.
This removes alpha / beta / rc markers from the version.

- Add support for Python 3.11, remove ``z3c.testsetup`` from test dependencies. [maurits]



- Optionally add prefix text to commit messages. This can be used ensure your messages follow some regular expression.
To activate this, add ``prefix-message = [TAG]`` to a ``[zest.releaser]``
section in the ``setup.cfg`` of your package, or your global
``~/.pypirc``. Or add your favorite geeky quotes there.

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