
Latest version: v0.24.2

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Added many new minimizers from different libraries, all with uncertainty estimation available.

Major Features and Improvements

- upgraded to TensorFlow 2.4
- Added many new minimizers. A full list can be found in :ref:`minimize_user_api`.

- :class:`~zfit.minimize.IpyoptV1` that wraps the powerful Ipopt large scale minimization library
- Scipy minimizers now have their own, dedicated wrapper for each instance such as
:class:`~zfit.minimize.ScipyLBFGSBV1`, or :class:`~zfit.minimize.ScipySLSQPV1`
- NLopt library wrapper that contains many algorithms for local searches such as
:class:`~zfit.minimize.NLoptLBFGSV1`, :class:`~zfit.minimize.NLoptTruncNewtonV1` or
:class:`~zfit.minimize.NLoptMMAV1` but also includes more global minimizers such as
:class:`~zfit.minimize.NLoptMLSLV1` and :class:`~zfit.minimize.NLoptESCHV1`.

- Completely new and overhauled minimizers design, including:

- minimizers can now be used with arbitrary Python functions and an initial array independent of zfit
- a minimization can be 'continued' by passing ``init`` to ``minimize``
- more streamlined arguments for minimizers, harmonized names and behavior.
- Adding a flexible criterion (currently EDM) that will terminate the minimization.
- Making the minimizer fully stateless.
- Moving the loss evaluation and strategy into a LossEval that simplifies the handling of printing and NaNs.
- Callbacks are added to the strategy.

- Major overhaul of the ``FitResult``, including:

- improved ``zfit_error`` (equivalent of ``MINOS``)
- ``minuit_hesse`` and ``minuit_minos`` are now available with all minimizers as well thanks to an great
improvement in iminuit.
- Added an ``approx`` hesse that returns the approximate hessian (if available, otherwise empty)

- upgrade to iminuit v2 changes the way it works and also the Minuit minimizer in zfit,
including a new step size heuristic.
Possible problems can be caused by iminuit itself, please report
in case your fits don't converge anymore.
- improved ``compute_errors`` in speed by caching values and the reliability
by making the solution unique.
- increased stability for large datasets with a constant subtraction in the NLL

Breaking changes
- NLL (and extended) subtracts now by default a constant value. This can be changed with a new ``options`` argument.
COMPARISON OF DIFFEREN NLLs (their absolute values) fails now! (flag can be deactivated)
- BFGS (from TensorFlow Probability) has been removed as it is not working properly. There are many alternatives
such as ScipyLBFGSV1 or NLoptLBFGSV1
- Scipy (the minimizer) has been removed. Use specialized ``Scipy*`` minimizers instead.
- Creating a ``zfit.Parameter``, usign ``set_value`` or ``set_values`` now raises a ``ValueError``
if the value is outside the limits. Use ``assign`` to suppress it.

- strategy to minimizer should now be a class, not an instance anymore.

Bug fixes and small changes
- ``zfit_error`` moved only one parameter to the correct initial position. Speedup and more reliable.
- FFTconv was shifted if the kernel limits were not symetrical, now properly taken into account.
- circumvent overflow error in sampling
- shuffle samples from sum pdfs to ensure uniformity and remove conv sampling bias
- ``create_sampler`` now samples immediately to allow for precompile, a new hook that will allow objects to optimize

Requirement changes
- ipyopt
- nlopt
- iminuit>=2.3
- tensorflow ~= 2.4
- tensorflow-probability~=12

For devs:
- pre-commit
- pyyaml
- docformatter


- Hans Dembinski for the help on upgrade to imituit V2
- Thibaud Humair for helpful remarks on the parameters



Update to fix iminuit version

Bug fixes and small changes
- Fix issue when using a ``ComposedParameter`` as the ``rate`` argument of a ``Poisson`` PDF

Requirement changes
- require iminuit < 2 to avoid breaking changes



Upgrade to TensorFlow 2.3 and support for weighted hessian error estimation.

Added a one dimensional Convolution PDF

Major Features and Improvements

- upgrad to TensorFlow 2.3

Breaking changes


Bug fixes and small changes

- print parameter inside function context works now correctly


- Computation of the covariance matrix and hessian errors with weighted data
- Convolution PDF (FFT in 1Dim) added (experimental, feedback welcome!)

Requirement changes

- TensorFlow==2.3 (before 2.2)
- ``tensorflow_probability==0.11``
- tensorflow-addons spline interpolation in convolution




Major Features and Improvements
- completely new doc design

Breaking changes
- Minuit uses its own, internal gradient by default. To change this back, use ``use_minuit_grad=False``
- ``minimize(params=...)`` now filters correctly non-floating parameters.
- ``z.log`` has been moved to ``z.math.log`` (following TF)

Bug fixes and small changes
- ncalls is not correctly using the internal heuristc or the ncalls explicitly
- ``minimize(params=...)`` automatically extracts independent parameters.
- fix copy issue of KDEV1 and change name to 'adaptive' (instead of 'adaptiveV1')
- change exp name of ``lambda_`` to lam (in init)
- add ``set_yield`` to BasePDF to allow setting the yield in place
- Fix possible bug in SumPDF with extended pdfs (automatically)


Requirement changes
- upgrade to iminuit>=1.4
- remove cloudpickle hack fix

Johannes for the docs re-design



Kernel density estimation for 1 dimension.

Major Features and Improvements
- add correlation method to FitResult
- Gaussian (Truncated) Kernel Density Estimation in one dimension ``zfit.pdf.GaussianKDE1DimV1`` implementation with fixed and
adaptive bandwidth added as V1. This
is a feature that needs to be improved and feedback is welcome
- Non-relativistic Breit-Wigner PDF, called Cauchy, implementation added.

Breaking changes
- change human-readable name of ``Gauss``, ``Uniform`` and ``TruncatedGauss`` to remove the ``'_tfp'`` at the end of the name

Bug fixes and small changes
- fix color wrong in printout of results, params
- packaging: moved to pyproject.toml and a setup.cfg mainly, development requirements can
be installed with the ``dev`` extra as (e.g.) ``pip install zfit[dev]``
- Fix shape issue in TFP distributions for partial integration
- change zfit internal algorithm (``zfit_error``) to compute error/intervals from the profile likelihood,
which is 2-3 times faster than previous algorithm.
- add ``from_minuit`` constructor to ``FitResult`` allowing to create it when
using directly iminuit
- fix possible bias with sampling using accept-reject

Requirement changes
- pin down cloudpickle version (upstream bug with pip install) and TF, TFP versions

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