
Latest version: v0.37.0

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Deprecation release. We've deprecated more public API, but made sure to provide/offer
alternatives. This allows you to upgrade to newer versions of zgw-consumers already
while buying yourself enough time to update your project code.

We published some of the deprecated utilities in a separate package: ``zgw-consumers-oas``.

* Deprecated the OAS test utilities in ``zgw_consumers.test``:

- ``read_schema``: Use ``zgw_consumers_oas.read_schema`` if you need to.
- ``generate_oas_component``: Use ``zgw_consumers_oas.generate_oas_component`` if
you need to. However, we recommend using `VCR`_ instead of manually
building API mocks, or leverage factory_boy_ to generate mock data.
- ``mock_service_oas_get``: there is no alternative because zgw-consumers no longer
fetches configured API schemas.

* Deprecated ``zgw_consumers.drf.serializers.APIModelSerializer``. Instead, use

.. _VCR: https://vcrpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _factory_boy: https://factoryboy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
.. _djangorestframework-dataclasses: https://pypi.org/project/djangorestframework-dataclasses/



The hard dependency on gemma-zds-client client is now optional.

This is another important step towards a 1.0 version. gemma-zds-client usage is still
supported through the legacy subpackage. Additionally, it was decided that the
``zgw_consumers.api_models`` package will still be part of 1.0, but it will be deprecated
and removed in 2.0.

**💥 Breaking changes**

* The helpers in ``zgw_consumers.service`` (except for ``pagination_helper``) are
removed. If you need these, you can safely copy the
`0.31.0 service <https://github.com/maykinmedia/zgw-consumers/blob/0.31.0/zgw_consumers/service.py>`_

* The zaaktype field mixin (``ListZaaktypenMixin``) for the admin is removed. If you
need this, we recommend writing your own version based on ``ape-pie``. You can of
course use the `0.31.0 admin <https://github.com/maykinmedia/zgw-consumers/blob/0.31.0/zgw_consumers/admin_fields.py>`_
implementation for inspiration.

* Removed the manager method ``Service.objects.get_client_for``. For the time being you
can use ``Service.get_client`` instead, which is a drop-in replacement. Note however
that this class method is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0. We recommend
migrating to ``ape-pie``:

.. code-block:: python

from requests import Session
from zgw_consumers.client import build_client

service = Service.get_service(some_resource_url)
client: Session = build_client(service)

* The gemma-zds-client is now an optional dependency. If you still make use of the
``zgw_consumers.legacy`` package, update your dependencies to include the new
dependency group, e.g. ``zgw-consumers[zds-client]``.

**🗑️ Deprecations**

* All code that is processing an OpenAPI specification in some form is deprecated. This

- ``zgw_consumers.cache``
- ``zgw_consumers.legacy``
- ``zgw_consumers.test.component_generation``
- ``zgw_consumers.test.schema_mock``

* Code built on top of gemma-zds-client is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0:

- ``zgw_consumers.models.Service.build_client``
- ``zgw_consumers.models.Service.get_client``
- ``zgw_consumers.models.Service.get_auth_header``


* gemma-zds-client is no longer a hard dependency. Users that don't use the
``zgw_consumers.legacy`` package can safely remove the ``gemma-zds-client`` package.

* The ``Service`` (and ``RestAPIService`` abstract base) model requirement of either
providing ``oas`` (URL) or ``oas_file`` is relaxed - opt-in via the new transitional
setting ``ZGW_CONSUMERS_IGNORE_OAS_FIELDS = True``. Note that this excludes these
fields from the admin UI and bypasses the validation that a mutually exclusive value
must be provided.



Periodic maintenance release

**Breaking changes**

* Dropped support for Django 4.1

**Bugfixes and other cleanups**

* Updated Github actions
* Set up PyPI trusted publisher
* Drop unused PyOpenSSL dependency from installation requirements
* Switched package management to ``pyproject.toml``
* Confirmed Python 3.12 support



Feature release

* Added a timeout field (default of 10s) to the service model. The timeout is passed to
the API client when using the ``ape-pie`` integration (
``zgw_consumers.client.ServiceConfigAdapter`` and


Backwards compatible 'feature' release.

* [81] Replace get_paginated_results with pagination_helper



💥 Breaking changes release!

* ``zgw_consumers`` now recommends using ``ape-pie`` as an HTTP client. The
old ``ZGWClient`` is still made available under the
``zgw_consumers.legacy`` module. It is planned to be removed in the next
major version.
* Bump the minimum supported Python version to ``3.10``.
* Some dependencies that were installed by default are now moved to the
``testutils`` extra dependency group.

Bugfixes and other cleanups

* Added a ``ServiceFactory`` in the ``zgw_consumers.test.factories`` module.
* Fixed an issue that could lead to an infinite loop while parsing response
from ZTC services.
* Fixed zaaktype field crashing if the Catalogi API spec uses non-standard
operation ID's.

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