
Latest version: v2.0.1

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Released: 2024-10-09

**Incompatible changes:**

* Removed the '-m' option for specifying a metric definition file. The metric
definition file is now part of the Python distribution archive and there
is no need anymore for users to edit it. (`418 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/418>`_)

* Changed the format of the exporter config file (previously referred to as
"HMC credentials file") to add controls for enabling or disabling the export
of the metric groups, and to clean up some naming idiosyncrasies on that
opportunity. The old config file format is still supported and is automatically
upgraded internally (or the file itself, see the support for the
'--upgrade-config' option). As part of that config file upgrade, all metric
groups are enabled by default. If you had edited the metric definition file
in exporter version 1.x to disable some metric groups, you need to do that
again in the upgraded exporter config file. (`418 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/418>`_)

* Dropped support for Python 3.6 and 3.7. The minimum Python version is now 3.8. (`570 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/570>`_)

* Changed the name of the Docker container image for the exporter from
'zhmcexporter' to 'zhmc_prometheus_exporter' to match the command name. (`633 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/633>`_)

**Bug fixes:**

* Addressed safety issues up to 2024-08-18.

* Test: Fixed coverage reporting (locally and on coveralls.io).

* Dev: Fixed several dependencies in Makefile.

* Dev: Fixed step that creates the release start tag when starting a new version.

* Test: Fixed the issue that coveralls was not found in the test workflow on MacOS
with Python 3.9-3.11, by running it without login shell. Added Python 3.11 on
MacOS to the normal tests.

* Dev: Fixed new issue 'too-many-positional-arguments' reported by Pylint 3.3.0.

* Fixed a bug where resources that ceased their existence while the exporter
was running were removed from the internal data structures such that in some
cases the wrong resource was removed from the internal data structures,
either leading to an immediate IndexError, or to follow-on errors lateron. (`609 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/609>`_)

* Fixed the build of the docker image which failed with an ImportError
on the rpds package. Added test for running the docker image. (`623 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/623>`_)

* Test: Added new indirect dependencies for package installation to the
minimum-constraints.txt file to make sure the package is tested with defined
minimum versions. (`623 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/623>`_)

* Increased minimum version of zhmcclient to 1.18.0 to pick up fixes. (`635 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/635>`_)

* Fixed incorrect check for start branch in 'make start_tag'. (`638 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/638>`_)

* Fixed incorrect check for release branch in 'make release_publish'.


* Improved build of the Docker image: It now uses the package version as the
image tag, sets OCI metadata as labels, and reduces the image size by using
the python:3.12-alpine base image, building from the Python distribution
archive instead of copying the repo, uninstalling pip, setuptools and
wheel since they are not needed to run the exporter, and using a multi-staged
build to copy just the installed Python packages. This reduced the image file
size with Docker on Ubuntu from 256 MB to 73 MB.

* Support for and test of Python 3.13.0-rc.1. Needed to increase the minimum
versions of PyYAML to 6.0.2 and pyrsistent to 0.20.0. (`517 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/517>`_)

* Dev: Migrated from setup.py to pyproject.toml with setuptools as build backend.
This provides for automatic determination of the package version without
having to edit a version file. (`520 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/520>`_)

* Added support for running the 'ruff' checker via "make ruff" and added that
to the test workflow. (`522 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/522>`_)

* Added support for running the 'bandit' checker with a new make target
'bandit', and added that to the GitHub Actions test workflow.
Adjusted the code in order to pass the bandit check. (`523 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/523>`_)

* Test: Added tests for Python 3.13 (final version). (`525 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/525>`_)

* Support for upgrading a config file (= HMC credentials file) from exporter
version 1.x to the current version. By default, the exporter configuration is
upgraded internally without persisting the changes. A new '--upgrade-config'
command line option can be used to upgrade the exporter config file. This
required using the 'ruamel.yaml' Python package, in order to preserve comments
in the exporter config file. (`571 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/571>`_)

* Dev: Encapsulated the starting of a new version into new 'start_branch' and
'start_tag' make targets. See the development documentation for details. (`617 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/617>`_)

* Dev: Encapsulated the releasing of a version to PyPI into new 'release_branch'
and 'release_publish' make targets. See the development documentation for
details. (`617 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/617>`_)


* Dev: Relaxed the conditions when safety issues are tolerated:
Issues in development dependencies are now tolerated in normal and scheduled
test workflow runs (but not in local make runs and release test workflow runs).
Issues in installation dependencies are now tolerated in normal test workflow
runs (but not in local make runs and scheduled/release test workflow runs).

* Dev: Added to the release instructions to roll back fixes for safety issues
into any maintained stable branches.

* Dev: Added to the release instructions to check and fix dependabot issues,
and to roll back any fixes into any maintained stable branches.

* Dev: Removed dependency to unmaintained py package.

* Dev: Removed ignore entries in safety profiles that meanwhile became
unnecessary due to increasing versions.

* Dev: Started using the trusted publisher concept of Pypi in order to avoid
dealing with Pypi access tokens.

* Because the metrics file is now part of the package, adjusted any error messages
dealing with the metrics file accordingly. (`577 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/577>`_)

* Dev: Dropped the 'make upload' target, because the release to PyPI has
been migrated to using a publish workflow. (`617 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/issues/617>`_)



This version contains all fixes up to version 1.6.1.

Released: 2024-08-01

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed a bug in the metric definition file that lead to
HTTP error 400,14 "'absolute-ifl-capping'' is not a valid value for the
corresponding query parm". Please download the fixed metric definition file
from the repo. (issue 564)

* Addressed safety issues up to 2024-07-21.

* In the Github Actions test workflow for Python 3.6 and 3.7, changed
macos-latest back to macos-12 because macos-latest got upgraded from macOS 12
to macOS 14 which no longer supports these Python versions.

* Docs: Fixed README badges by converting it to Markdown. (issue 507)

* Dev: Added missing development requirement for 'filelock' package.

* Fixed AttributeError when using 'storage_groups' on 'Client' object.

* Vendorized a forked version 0.20.0.post1 of the 'prometheus_client' package
to pick up the following fixes:

- Fixed HTTP verb tampering test failures. (issue 494)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in Prometheus server detected by testssl.sh.
(issues 508, 509)

* Fixed AttributeError when adding NICs after intial startup.


* Docs: Added a section about the size of captured terminal output and log
files. (issue 528)

* Docs: Improved the section about HMC certificates. (related to issue 529)

* Added the original line where the exception occurred to any messages that
display exceptions, for easier problem determination.


* Removed lengthy display of URI to resource cache when ignoring labels due to
Jinja2 error.

* Dev: Removed support for editable installs, because pip 25 will disable that.
(issue 546)

* Minimized symbols when importing zhmc_prometheus_exporter.

* Improved messages where metrics, metric groups or labels are ignored due to
some issue, for better clarity. (related to issue 539)


Not secure

This version contains all fixes up to version 1.5.2.

Released: 2024-04-03

**Important:** The standard metric definitions file examples/metrics.yaml has
been updated. Please use the new file in your setup. This new exporter version
will also work with the prior version of the file (but not vice versa).

**Bug fixes:**

* Addressed safety issues up to 2024-02-18.

* Docs: Increased minimum Sphinx versions to 7.1.0 on Python 3.8 and to 7.2.0 on
Python >=3.9 and adjusted dependent package versions in order to fix a version
incompatibility between sphinxcontrib-applehelp and Sphinx.
Disabled Sphinx runs on Python <=3.7 in order to no longer having to deal
with older Sphinx versions. (issue 444)

* Docs: Added missing 'se_version' variable to description of 'export-condition'
and 'fetch-condition' in the Usage section. (part of issue 459)

* Fixed warning about ignoring label 'adapter/port' on metric group
'partition-attached-network-interface' due to error in rendering the Jinja2
expression for a label value. (issue 450)

* Added missing fetch-conditions to all remaining properties of resource metric
groups that were added at some point in the HMC/SE, but so far were assumed
to always be present.

* Docs: Added missing metrics to the metrics table in the Usage section:

* Dev: Fixed the call to pipdeptree in the test workflow to use 'python -m'
because otherwise it does not show the correct packages of the virtual env.

* Fixed traceback when HMC credentials file does not exist.

* Fixed the name of the 'power-consumption-watts' metric in the
'logical-partition-usage' HMC metric group. (issue 475)

* Fixed that the 'number-{cpu}-processors' and 'number-reserved-{cpu}-processors'
properties of LPARs were retrieved for all HMC/SE versions, but they were
introduced only with SE/CPC version 2.15.0. (issue 474)

* Docs: Fixed link in description how to verify release in development.rst.

* Added description of missing verify_cert parameter to help text for HMC
credentials file, displayed with --help-creds.


* Increased zhmcclient version to 1.14.0 to pick up fixes and improvements.

* Split safety runs into one against all requirements that may fail and one
against the install requirements that must succeed. (issue 441)

* Changed safety run for install dependencies to use the exact minimum versions
of the dependent packages, by moving them into a separate
minimum-constraints-install.txt file that is included by the existing
minimum-constraints.txt file. (issue 489)

* Added support for the following new variables for use in 'fetch-condition' in
the metric definition file (issue 459):

- 'hmc_api_version' - HMC API version as a tuple of integers (M, N)
- 'hmc_features' - List of names of HMC API features

* Added support for the following new variables for use in 'export-condition'
in the metric definition file (issue 459):

- 'hmc_api_version' - HMC API version as a tuple of integers (M, N)
- 'hmc_features' - List of names of HMC API features
- 'se_features' - List of names of SE/CPC API features
- 'resource_obj' - zhmcclient resource object for the metric

* Used these new variables to improve the conditions in the metric definition
file in order to eliminate the following warnings about properties not
returned by the HMC (issue 459):

- 'cylinders' in resource metric group 'storagevolume-resource'
(only returned for FC-type storage groups)
- 'max-partitions' in resource metric group 'storagegroup-resource'
(only returned for FCP-type storage groups)
- Various cbp related properties in resource metric groups 'cpc-resource'
and 'logical-partition-resource' (only returned for SE versions between
2.14.0+MCLs and 2.15.0)

* Added support for environment variables 'TESTCASES' for specifying testcases
for the unit test, and 'TESTOPTS' for specifying pytest options. (issue 461)

* Added support for the new partition power consumption metrics in z16
(issue 448):

In metric group 'zcpc-environmentals-and-power':

- 'zhmc_cpc_total_partition_power_watt' - Total power consumption of all
partitions of the CPC
- 'zhmc_cpc_total_infrastructure_power_watt' - Total power consumption of all
infrastructure components of the CPC
- 'zhmc_cpc_total_unassigned_power_watt' - Total power consumption of all
unassigned components of the CPC

In metric group 'logical-partition-usage':

- 'zhmc_partition_power_watt' - Power consumption of the partition

* Added support for regularly fetching properties in the background, for which
object change notifications are not supported. These properties are defined
in the metric definition file along with an 'if' condition to express in
which environment they need to be fetched. The properties are fetched in the
background in a property fetch thread. The cycle time for fetching is
initially 30 seconds and will be adjusted to the cycle time in which
Prometheus fetches the exported metrics. (issue 358)

* Added support for a new make target 'authors' that generates an AUTHORS.md
file from the git commit history. (issue 442)

* The safety run for all dependencies now must succeed when the test workflow
is run for a release (i.e. branch name 'release\_...').

* When the HMC userid cannot log on to the HMC because the password is invalid
or expired, or because the maximum number of sessions has been reached, the
exporter no longer retries the logon but abandons. The previous retrying has
lead to disabling the userid after some unsuccessful retries. (issue 493)

* Warning messages are now always printed to the output, and not just in verbose
mode (related to issue 488).

* Added more detailed messages in the output and log for understanding the
Jinja2 rendering issue reported in issue 488.


* Increased versions of GitHub Actions plugins to increase node.js runtime
to version 20.

* Disabled the use of Python builtins in the evaluation of 'fetch-condition' and
'export-condition' in the metric definition file. (issue 463)

* Improved the lengthy warning details messages when resources have not been
found to a more condensed and useful format. (issue 473)


Not secure

This version contains all fixes up to version 1.4.3.

Released: 2023-11-28

**Incompatible changes:**

* Installation of this package using "setup.py" is no longer supported.
Use "pip" instead.

**Bug fixes:**

* Addressed safety issues up to 2023-11-26.

* Improved and fixed Dockerfile. (issue 297)

* Docs: Fixed incorrect label value syntax in the documentation. (issue 310)

* Fixed incorrect label 'phase' on the line cord metrics ('zhmc_cpc_power_cord\*').
It was incorrectly shown as "None", and now has the correct values "A", "B",
or "C".

* Fixed RTD docs build ssue with OpenSSL version by providing a .readthedocs.yaml
file that specifies Ubuntu 22.04 as the build OS.

* Increased minimum zhmcclient version to 1.9.1 to pick up fixes and improvements
for HMC session handling, including the handling of HTTP 403.4. (related to
issue 336) and the version change for PyYAML in zhmcclient.

* Occurrences of most HTTP 403.x failures are now handled by logging on again
and retrying, instead of abandoning. (related to issue 336)

* Improved robustness of evaluating Jinja2 label expressions by ignoring
labels with expressions that fail, instead of stopping the exporter. A
warning message is shown and a log record is written when that happens.

* Addressed safety issues from 6+7/2023, by increasing 'requests' to 2.31.0
on Python >=3.7, and by increasing other packages only needed for development.

* Fixed issue with PyYAML 5.4 installation on Python>=3.10 that fails since
the recent release of Cython 3.

* Test: Circumvented a pip-check-reqs issue by excluding its version 2.5.0.

* Added handling of exceptions raised by the built-in HTTP server during
its startup, for the HTTP case. (related to issue 397)

* Docs: Added the missing requirement for having the HMC userid enabled for
web services access. (issue 419)

* Fixed LPAR resource metrics '..._processor_count_is_capped' and
'..._processor_cap' for absolute cappping.

* Fixed ruamel.yaml issue on Python 3.6 by pinning to <0.17.22

* Dev: Resolved dependency conflict with importlib-metadata on Python 3.7


* Added support for Python 3.12. Had to increase the minimum versions of
setuptools to 66.1.0 and pip to 23.1.2 in order to address removal of the
long deprecated pkgutils.ImpImporter in Python 3.12, as well as several
packages used only for development. (issue 388)

* Added a '--version' option for showing the versions of the exporter and
the zhmcclient library. (issue 298)

* Enabled the 'partition-attached-network-interface' metric group in the
standard/example metric definition file. It had been disabled for performance
reasons, but with the auto-update support for resources, there is no
visible performance impact anymore when Prometheus fetches the metrics.

* Test: Added a test script 'validate_adapter_metrics.py' for validating
the adapter/NIC resources for which metrics are returned by the HMC.

* Added a troubleshooting section to the docs.

* Added zhmc_partition_description metric with partition / LPAR description in
the 'value' label, for cases where the partition description contains further
information that can be parsed. (issue 345)

* Added resource-based metrics for storage groups and storage volumes. Added
a new metric zhmc_partition_storage_groups that lists the storage groups
attached to a partition. (issue 346)

* Added support for HTTPS and mutual TLS (mTLS) by adding a new optional section
'prometheus' to the HMC credentials file and using prometheus-client 0.19.0.
(issue 347)

* Tolerated when unknown 'resource' types are specified in the metrics.yaml
file, because one possible reason for that is that a newer metrics.yaml file
is being used. (issue 379)

* Added adapter name and port index as two new labels 'adapter' and 'port' to
metric group 'partition-attached-network-interface'. (issue 347)

* Added handling of evaluation errors for 'if' conditions in metric definition


* Resource-based metrics defined in the metric definition file but not
returned by the HMC as a resource property (e.g. because the HMC manages
older SE versions) now cause a Python warning to be printed. Added the
respective 'if' conditionals to the default metric definition file for such
HMC or SE version dependent resource metrics.


Not secure

This version contains all fixes up to version 1.3.2.

Released: 2023-03-27

**Incompatible changes:**

* The label value definitions in the metric definition file are now interpreted
as Jinja2 expressions and no longer with the special syntax used before.

This is an incompatible change and requires updating the metric definition
file accordingly. The example metric definition file provided with the package
has been updated accordingly. If you have used the example file unchanged,
you only need to use the new version of the file. If you have used your own
version of the metric definition file, you need to update it. For
understanding the changes and what to update, compare the old and new version
of the example metric definition file.

* The extra label value definitions in the HMC credentials file are now
interpreted as Jinja2 expressions and no longer as literals.

This is an incompatible change and requires updating your HMC credentials file
in case you used the 'extra_labels' property in there.
The change to make is to put the literal label values into nested double and
single quotes.

Example old definition in the file::

- name: hmc
value: MYHMC1

Corresponding new definition in the file::

- name: hmc
value: "'MYHMC1'"

* Changed the names of exported metrics with unit Watt from '\*_watts' to

- zhmc_cpc_power_watts -> zhmc_cpc_power_watt
- zhmc_cpc_power_cord{C}_phase_{P}_watts -> zhmc_cpc_power_cord{C}_phase_{P}_watt

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed that not using the `--log` option resulted in an error message
about invalid use of the `--log-comp` option. (issue 234)

* Fixed an erroneous timezone offset in log timestamps. (issue 241)

* Fixed the log entry for version 1.3.0 that showed an incorrect new timestamp

* Fixed a flake8 AttributeError when using importlib-metadata 5.0.0 on
Python >=3.7, by pinning importlib-metadata to <5.0.0 on these Python

* Test: Fixed install error of Python 2.7, 3,5, 3,6 on Ubuntu in GitHub Actions.

* Fixed new issues of Pylint 2.16. Fixed versions of Pylint dependents and their
Python versions.

* Added missing packages (pip_check_reqs, pipdeptree) to be checked for their
dependencies in minimum-constraints.txt.

* Fixed CBP related metrics in classic mode CPCs in HMC 2.16. These metrics
were removed in z16 but the metric definition file tried to export them,
leading to a failure with z16 CPCs in classic mode. This was fixed by
exporting these metrics only if the CPC has the SE version that supports them.

* Fixed the '\*_central_memory_mib' and '\*_expanded_memory_mib' metrics of
LPARs of classic mode CPCs that caused the exporter to fail.

* Updated the minimum version of zhmcclient to 1.7.0 to pick up a fix for
cases where a CPC resource is not found (may happen on older HMCs such as
2.14). Changed error handling to tolerate that case.


* Added support for labels on single metric definitions, for defining how the
Prometheus metric value should be interpreted. A `value` lebel can define
a string-typed property value that should be used instead. This has been
used to show the original staus values, e.g. as `value="operating"`.
A `valuetype` label can define that the floating point value of the
Prometheus metric should be interpreted as a boolean or integer value. This
has been used for any boolean metrics. (issue 224)

* Simplified release process by adding a new GitHub Actions workflow publish.yml
to build and publish to PyPI

* Added exporter and zhmcclient version and verbosity level to log.

* When enabling auto-update for a resource fails, the exporter will now record
an error log message that the resource is ignored, but will otherwise
continue with its operation. Previously, it terminated in such a case.

* Docs: Added sections on HMC setup and setup of firewalls and proxies that
may be between you and the HMC. (issues 260 and 261)

* Added missing environments to weekly full tests (Python 3.5,3.6 on Windows
and MacOS).

* Added some critical environments to normal PR tests (Python 3.10/min on

* Changed to using the 'build' package for building the distribution archives
instead of 'setup.py' commands, following the recommendation of the Python
packaging community
(see https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2021/10/setup-py-deprecated.html).

* The label value definitions in the metric definition file are now interpreted
as Jinja2 expressions and no longer with the special keyword syntax used
before. This is an incompatible change for the metric definition file, see the
corresponding item in the incompatible changes section of this change log.
The example metric definition file provided with the package has been updated

* The extra label value definitions in the HMC credentials file are now
interpreted as Jinja2 expressions and no longer as just literals. This is an
incompatible change for the HMC credentials file, see the corresponding
item in the incompatible changes section of this change log.
The example HMC credentials file provided with the package has been updated

* Added support for conditional exporting of single metrics based on the
HMC and SE/CPC version, by adding an 'if' property to the metric definition in
the metric definition file that can specify a Python expression using
the 'hmc_version' and 'se_version' variables. Used that capability on CBP
related metrics that were added in z14 and removed in z16 to specify the
supported SE version range.

* Made handling of runtime errors more tolerant for properties that are
not present in certain cases.

* Docs: Added a link to the description of Jinja2 expressions.

* Added labels to all 'zhmc_cpc_power_cord\*' metrics:

- 'cord' - line cord name (as reported in metric 'linecord-eight-name')
- 'cordid' - line cord ID (1, 2, ..., 8)
- 'phase' - line cord phase (A, B, C)

* Added support for Python 3.11.

* Improved and shortened the error message for validation errors in the
metric definition file and HMC credentials file. As part of that, increased
the minimum version of the jsonschema package to 3.2.0 and of the pyrsistent
package to 0.17.3 on Python<=3.6 and 0.18.1 on Python>=3.7.

* Added a check for consistency of items in metrics and metric_groups in
the metric definition file.


* Addressed issues in test workflow reported by Github Actions. (issue 264)

* Increased minimum versions of pip, setuptools, wheel to more recent versions.

* Changed the names of exported metrics with unit Watt from '\*_watts' to
'\*_watt', for consistency:

- zhmc_cpc_power_watts -> zhmc_cpc_power_watt
- zhmc_cpc_power_cord{C}_phase_{P}_watts -> zhmc_cpc_power_cord{C}_phase_{P}_watt


Not secure

Released: 2022-09-05

**Incompatible changes:**

* The log format has changed from:
"2022-08-17 09:24:41,037 logger: message"
"2022-08-17 07:24:41+0000 LEVEL logger: message"

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed that HMC exceptions were not caught during cleaning when exiting.

* Docs: Fixed that the "Logging" section in the documentation described the
'--log' option as '--log-dest'.


* HMC resources that no longer exist are automatically removed from the
exported metrics. (Issue 203)

* Increased minimum version of zhmcclient to 1.4.0 to pick up fixes and
required new functions. (issue 220)

* Extended the existing --log-comp option to allow specifying a log level for
each component with COMP=LEVEL, and to add support for a component 'all'
that affects all components.

* Optimized the log levels of many log messages and the verbosity level of some
output messages.

* Added cleanup log and output messages when exiting.

* Added support for logging to the System Log (syslog). (issue 219)

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