This release includes major BREAKING CHANGES. The API was reworked to focus more on
graphing of geometric primitives (Lines, Circles, Points, etc.) in addition to empirical data.
It also adds a CSS styling system.
- Added geometric objects and shapes, including `Line`, `Point`, `Circle`, `BezierQuad`, `Function`, etc., in the `geo` submodule.
- The old `Line` has become `PolyLine`, with alias `Plot`.
- The new `Line` represents a true Euclidean line rather than a set of (x, y) coordinates connected by line segments.
- Added `LayoutGrid` for placing axes in a grid. `LayoutH` and `LayoutV` now inherit from `LayoutGrid`, and no longer support nested layouts.
- Added `HistogramHoriz` for horizontal histograms
- Added `Implicit` to plot implicit functions
- Renamed axes to `Graph`, `GraphQuad`, `GraphPolar`, `GraphSmith`. `Diagram` added as an empty surface for geometric diagrams.
- Added tangent and normal lines.
- Added point placemenet at intersections and extrema.
- Added `ticker` for easy forming of tick locations
- Added `equal_aspect` method to equalize x and y scales
- Changed to use a CSS-like styling system for applying styles and themes.
- Added more legend location options