- 100% test coverage. - Requires `zigpy>=0.20.1a2`. - Network formation and device joining fully tested with a freshly flashed CC26X2R. - Broadcast requests are not required to receive a `DataConfirm` response any more.
Not secure
- Support new zigpy configuration schema format. Requires `zigpy>=0.20.1a1`. - Implement broadcast messages. - Properly support common ZDO commands to allow full device joining and descriptor discovery. - Test coverage for just about every line of code other than network formation. - Update README.md with PyPI links Hedda (9)
- Update README.md to look similar to other radio libaries for zigpy Hedda (8)
Not secure
First functional release covering basic use cases.
What works: - coordinator startup - unicast requests - device joins - auto port detection - port reconnection
What hasn't been tested: - network formation
What hasn't been implemented: - multicast and broadcast messages