- Handle stray database rows without crashing puddly (748) - Detect logging with bad format strings during unit tests puddly (747) - Add context to the "Discarded Event" warning dd32 (745) - Add Mgmt_Bind_req and Mgmt_Bind_rsp ZDO commands. JeremieLeGrand (729) - Update README.md to remove lists of specific hardware adapters Hedda (705) - Add support for bitfields to Structs puddly (669)
- Add support for tcp protocol agners (489) - Fix radio probing broken by 485 puddly (487)
- Switch to postponed annotation evaluation puddly (686) - Do not catch `CancelledError` with `except Exception` in Python 3.7 puddly (659) - Make the `Channels` type iterable puddly (675) - Include properties in Struct string representations puddly (668)
- Restart on any startup failure, not just timeouts and serial errors puddly (476) - Ignore the `0x0000`/`00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00` address table entry puddly (477) - Log unknown commands puddly (478) - Fix `getChildData` schema in v9 to match v7 and v8 puddly (475)
- Implement energy scanning via the ZDO interface puddly (471) - Handle null-terminated `MFG_` strings puddly (473) - Check that endpoint 1 exists instead of assuming it does puddly (470) - Include a `can_write_custom_eui64` stack-specific key in the backup puddly (469)