- **BREAKING**: New configuration file format to allow further improvements (The conversion is automatic, but LDAP settings might need some attention)
- **BREAKING**: Passwords are now *salted* for the *BASIC* authentication backend (The conversion is automatic too)
- **BREAKING**: If you plan to use the SQL storage along with gunicorn, you **MUST** add the *--preload* parameter (see the *gunicorn.d/burp-ui* file)
- Add: `Celery <http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ support for asynchronous tasks
- Add: `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_ support for persistent storage
- Add: `RESTful restore <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/111>`_
- Add: `autoreload config <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/142>`_
- Add: `remember some user settings <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/133>`_
- Add: `client certificate revocation <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/131>`_
- Add: new `local authentication backend <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/130>`_
- Add: new `filters on history API call <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/140>`_
- Add: implement backend `keepalive <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/98>`_
- Add: allow to *disable* `server-initiated restoration <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/136>`_
- Fix: disable Basic-Auth login from UI to prevent some bugs with sessions
- Fix: issue `134 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/134>`_
- Fix: issue `135 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/135>`_
- Fix: issue `137 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/137>`_
- Fix: issue `138 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/138>`_
- Fix: issue `145 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/145>`_
- Fix: issue `148 <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/148>`_
- Improvement: new asynchronous `backup-running API call <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/issues/139>`_
- Security: restrict files that can be sent by the agent
- `Full changelog <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0>`__