
Latest version: v0.0.16

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Notable changes

- Add tests of serialization for all ZIO data types and make `Promise` serializable (1771) by jakubjanecek
- Implement raceAll without folding with `race`(1424) by chikei
- Parameterized environment on `zio.Canceler` (1763) by ajaychandran
- Expose `Executor` as `ExecutorService` (1745) by jczuchnowski
- Suspend `ZIO.as` & `ZStream.as` again (1822) by neko-kai
- Fix 785, Fix 1441, prevent race condition on `interrupted` variable by moving `interrupted` into atomic state (1792) by neko-kai
- Add `CancelableFuture` (1655) by fsvehla
- Prevent `ZIO.option` from catching unchecked errors (1870) by darl
- Implement `ZIOtimeoutFork` (1856) by adamgfraser
- Add Meta Subtype to Cause (1706) by adamgfraser
- Make everything private that can / should be private (1751) by zezutom
- Allow custom behavior on inheritFiberRefs (1879) by mschuwalow
- Make sure that `FiberRef`s are inherited in `ZIO.raceAll` (1902) by mlangc

ZIO Test
In this release the internal representation of `Spec` has been changed to make all `Spec`s effectual. This allows for performing effects on groups of tests in additional to individual tests. We expect this will not require any changes from most users but may be breaking for code that relies on some methods on `Spec` or the particular encoding of `ZSpec`. Please report any issues you notice!
- **[Breaking]** Moved package `zio.test.mock` to `zio.test.environment` (1830) by ioleo
- **[Breaking]** Renamed `MockConsole`, `MockClock`, `MockSystem` and `MockRandom` to `Test*` equivalents (within the moved package) (1830) by ioleo
- Added mocking framework under `zio.test.mock` package (1830) by ioleo
- Support shared managed resources (1664) by adamgfraser
- Added rendering of `zio.test.mock.MockException` defects in `zio.test.DefaultTestReporter` (1830) by ioleo
- Make `failure` a `TestAspect` (1741) by jaliss
- Add interrupt deadline to `timeout` TestAspect (1824) by LGLO
- Simplify `TestAspectaround` (1718) by adamgfraser
- Harden `MockClock` (1885) by adamgfraser
- Add fibertime to public api of `MockClock` (1890) by mschuwalow
- Implement multiple parameter function generators (1893) by adamgfraser
- Add `Gen.anyUnicodeChar`(1901) by regiskuckaertz

ZIO Stream
- Port ZStream.fromInputStream to StreamEffect (1772) by jsilva
- Fix `Chunk.empty.toArray` throws `ClassCastException` (1797) by wi101
- Add a method for converting `ZStream[Byte]` to a `ZManaged[java.io.InputStream]` (1784) by sideeffffect
- Add `ZManaged.switchable` (1810) by iravid
- Implement pure `ZSink.ignoreWhile` (1820) by vasilmkd
- Clear up some `Chunk` hotspots(1825) by iravid
- Back presssure in `ZStream.effectAsync*` (1855) by darl
- Reduce allocations in `ZStreamunTake` (1861) by vasilmkd
- Add `ZStreamtoQueueUnbounded` (1860) by vasilmkd
- Add `ChunkN` to `ZStream` (1795) by LukaszByczynski
- Optimize `ChunkN` (1881) by mvv
- Add ZStream combinators for dropping/sliding buffers (1685) by vasilmkd
- Align StreamChunk and Chunk's foldings methods with ZStream (1778) by kamilkloch

- Enrich ZIO Test documentation (1800) by almendar
- Fix Contributing page (1791) by softinio
- Other docs improvements by reibitto asakaev LGLO FelAl


Notable changes

- Documentation improvements by sidnt and asakaev
- Deprecate `sync` extension method in favor of `effect` (1606) by markosski
- Change semantic of Fiber.joinAll – fail when joined fibers fail (1620) by neko-kai
- Add `filterOrDie` and `filterOrDieMessage` combinators (1610) by ioleo
- Correctly inherit fiber refs in `ZIO.raceWith` (1594) by mlangc
- Restore `bracket` on ZIO (1694) by regiskuckaertz
- Replicate ZIO.* methods to other companion objects (1746) by jakubjanecek
- Move `PlatformLive.ExecutorUtil` to `Executor` companion object (1770) by neko-kai

- Add `zipAllWith` to `Chunk` (1612) by Vilkina
- Add `ZStreamChunkbuffer`, `ZStream.mergeAllUnbounded`, `ZStream.flattenParUnbounded ` (1657) by iravid
- Adding `ZStreamzipLeft` and `zipRight` operators and operator alias for all `ZStreamzip*` functions (1510) by jadireddi
- Remove `ZSink.Step` in favor of abstract methods on Sink and update ZSink encoding (1560) by vasilmkd
- Update `ZStreamaggregate` and `aggregateWithin` to only extract once (1672) by iravid
- Add `ZSink.foldWeightedDecompose/M` and fix leftover handling in transduce (1675) by iravid
- Add `StreamEffect` specialized for chunks (1669, 1740) by vasilmkd and sideeffffect
- Fixes and inference improvements to `ZSink` combinators (1686) by iravid
- Align `ZStreamrepeat` with the other schedule combinators (1533) by mschuwalow
- Add `ZStream.paginate` (1717) by regiskuckaertz
- Add `ZStreamunNone` (1713) by asakaev
- Add `ZStreammapConcat` overloads for iterables (1735) by kamilkloch
- Add `ZStream.bimap` and `either` (1725) by regiskuckaertz
- Add `ZStream.fromIterator` (1731) by sideeffffect
- Remove specialized annotations (1738) by regiskuckaertz
- Add additional fold variants to ZStream (1756) by kamilkloch
- Rename `aggregateWithin` to `aggregateWithinEither` and add a simpler `aggregateWithin` (1700) by saeltz
- Enhance `ZStreamscheduleWith` to not short-circuit the stream (1767) by regiskuckaertz

ZIO Test
- Make Timeout Strategies Test Aspects (1555) by adamgfraser
- Fix `Genfilter` (1580 1591) by adamgfraser
- Make `testM` and `checkM` Polymorphic In Error Type (1596) by adamgfraser
- Add `Gensuspend` to support recursive generators (1598) by adamgfraser
- Improve Reporting of Property Based Testing Result (shows shrinked input) (1617) by ghostdogpr
- Support Generators for Functions (1616) by adamgfraser
- Report timeouts in a prettier way (1602) by ghostdogpr
- Add Size Combinators `small`, `medium` and `large` (1625) by adamgfraser
- Add `Assertion.dies` and `Gen.anyString` (1638) by regiskuckaertz
- Upgrade `AssertResult` to `BoolAlgebra` (1582) by adamgfraser
- Support Implications (1662) by adamgfraser
- Augment MockRandom with a Buffer to be able to control random output (1679) by adamgfraser
- Add Common Predicates (1314) by jaliss
- Implement Generators for Effects (1670) by adamgfraser

- Add `doUntilEquals` and `doWhileEquals` methods (1634) by marekklis

- Add a synchronous effect construction (1667) by LukaszByczynski
- Add `ZManagedwithEarlyRelease` (1722) by adamgfraser


Notable changes

- Deprecate `const` in favor of `as` and add `asError` in ZIO and all data types (1315) by ioleo
- Deprecate `succeedLazy` in favor of `effectTotal` (1377) by ioleo
- Add `ZIOcached` (1361) by adamgfraser
- Ignore extra callback calls in `ZIOeffectAsync` (1402) by ghostdogpr
- Add `ZIOcatchSomeCause` (1387) by mschuwalow
- Add `ZIOcollectAllSuccesses` and variants (1237) by mtsokol
- Improve extension method support for `ZIO` (1481 and 1444) by NeQuissimus and jeremyrsmith
- Add `ZIOprovideM` (1522) by adamgfraser


In this release, the internal representation of `ZStream` has been vastly simplified to an effectful, scoped iterator. This representation, besides being simpler to write combinators and constructors for, should result in improved performance and less GC pressure. Please report any issues you notice!

- Add `ZSinkzipPar` (1344) by simpadjo
- Add `ZSinkcollectAllN` and variants for grouping elements into n-sized lists, sets, maps (1362) by PawelGizka
- Add `ZStreaminterleave`, `ZStreaminterleaveWith` and `ZStreamcombine` for merging of streams (1355) by adamgfraser
- Add `ZStreamChunkcollect` (1379) by shankarshastri
- Add `ZStreambroadcast`, `ZStreamgroupBy`, `ZStreampartition`, `ZStreamtimeout` and other variants (1387) by mschuwalow
- Add `ZStreamcatchAll`, `ZStreammapError`, `ZStreamprovide` and variants (1427) by iravid
- Refactor of ZStream internals by iravid and vasilmkd
- Add `ZSinksplitLines` (1384) by iravid
- Add `ZStreamzipWithLatest`, `ZStreamfixed`, `ZStreamschedule` and variants (1482) by regiskuckaertz

ZIO Test
- Support for sbt (1335) by dkarlinsky
- Add Gen combinators for property-based testing (1356) by adamgfraser
- Rename `Assertion` to `AssertResult` and `Predicate` to `Assertion` (1500) by adamgfraser
- Add combinators for composing assertions (1438) by adamgfraser

- Add support for ScalaJS (1338) by heraklos
- Add `TArray` (1191) by LGLO

- Add `Causeuntraced` that removes all tracing information from a Cause (1354) by shankarshastri


ZIO Test

Early beta version of dependency-free test library for (pure FP) effectful programs. Critical constructs include:

- `Spec` - A value-level representation for a specification
- `ZSpec` - An alias for a `Spec` whose tests are ZIO effects
- `Predicate` - Composable predicates with detailed error messages
- `zio.test.{ assert, assertM, check, checkAll, checkSome, suite, test, testM }` - The building blocks for constructing specs
- `RunnableSpec` - Specs will extend this (or `DefaultRunnableSpec`)
- `TestRunner` - Every runnable spec points to a spec runner
- `TestAspect` - Features that can be added to specs, such as timeouts, retries, etc.
- `Gen` - Generators for property-testing based on ZIO Stream

ZIO Test has excellent support for environmental effects; specs that use the ZIO environmental effects (Console, Clock, etc.) will automatically (in `DefaultRunnableSpec`) be provided with a newly-created mock environment, meaning they will execute fast and deterministically. Users can supply their own mock environments when extending `RunnableSpec`.

ZIO Test Example:

class MySpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
import Predicate._
import zio.random._
import zio.test.TestAspect.{ flaky, timeout }

suite("An example suite") {
test("addition") {
assert(2 + 2, equals(4))
testM("random.nextDouble") {
assertM(nextDouble, isGreaterThanEqual(0.0) && isLessThanEqual(1.0))
(flaky >>> timeout(10.seconds)) {
testM("flaky random.nextDouble") {
assertM(nextDouble, isGreaterThan(0.5))

Other notable changes


* Enhance support for Option and Either (1175) by dorsev
* Add Random.shuffle method (1185) by ioleo
* Add real companion objects to Task, TaskR, UIO and IO (805) by TheMayoras
* Rename TaskR to RIO and add an alias `UIOR[R, A] = ZIO[R, Nothing, A]` (1154) by ioleo
* Fix 1165 - ZIO.foreachParN should not use more than `n` fibers (1187) by adamgfraser
* Implement ZIOfoldCause (1243) by vasilmkd
* Add whenCase and whenCaseM to ZIO and ZManaged (1246) by ghostdogpr
* Add "Setter" / "Update" Methods to Mock Services (1252) by adamgfraser
* Add ZIO.replicate method (1262) by dorsev
* Add ZIOeventually (1302) by vasilmkd
* Add ZIOleft, ZIOright and ZIOhead (1223) by adamgfraser
* Add ZIOflattenErrorOption, ZIOnone, ZIOoptional, ZIOsome (1221) by jczuchnowski
* Add ZIO.effectSuspend, ZIO.effectSuspendTotal, ZIO.effectSuspendTotalWith and ZIO.effectSuspendWith (926) by kamilkloch


* Introduce real companion object for Managed (1111) (1169) by andreamarcolin
* Add ZStreamensuringFirst (1209) by adamgfraser
* Make ZManagedmergeAllParN and ZManagedreduceAllParN tolerant to finalizer defects (1256) by adamgfraser
* Add ZManaged.makeExit that allows to handle `Exit` by the finalizer. (1232) by vvlevykin


* add doWhileM, doUntilM for ZSchedule (1199) by contrun
* add collectWhile and collectUntil (1287) by contrun

ZStream and ZSink

* Enhanced ZStream spaced to also emit schedule's output (1120) (1162) by dag2ww
* Add ZStreamthrottleEnforce and ZStreamthrottleEnforceM (1027) (1155) by vasilmkd
* Add ZStreamthrottleShape, ZStreamthrottleShapeM (1195) by vasilmkd
* Add ZStreameffectAsync and variants (1118) by dariusrobson
* Add ZStreamaggregate, ZStreamaggregateWithin (1137) by iravid
* Add burst control to the existing Stream throttling combinators (1205) by vasilmkd
* Add ZStreamflatMapParSwitch (1222) by vasilmkd
* Add sinks for decoding UTF-8 bytes and byte chunks (1342) by iravid


* Changed Promisedone to take an Exit (1251) by mtsokol


* Implement SemaphorewithPermitsManaged (1293) by vasilmkd


A new release of ZIO! Now available for Scala `2.13.0`

PRs merged in this release:

* **Release zio for scala 2.13 (1104)**
* **Limit the maximum amount of ancestors in a ZIO Trace (1158)**
* **Ensure that two chunks can be compared for equality and hash code 1159 (1163)**
* **Bracket example to doc (962)**
* **Introduce real companion object for Schedule - Fix 1111 (1140)**
* **Move Queue specific methods to its own companion object (1111) (1142)**
* **clarify that callback must be called at most once for async effects (1153)**
* **Introduce Stream companion object (1111) (1147)**
* **Introduce real companion object for Sink (1144)**
* **Added zio-slick to the ecosystem page (1152)**
* **Fix CI release failure "SCM URL missing" (1145)**


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