
Latest version: v0.8.2

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What's Changed
* update poetry by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/336
* Bump znjson from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/341
* change python dependency from `<3.11` to `<4.0.0` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/352
* add `use_node_dir` to save results in the nodes directory by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/353
* Bump flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/355
* Remove Python 3.7 CI by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/360
* remove `use_node_dir` and replace with `utils.nwd` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/359
* Bump pygit2 from 1.9.2 to 1.10.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/357
* Bump dvc from 2.15.0 to 2.17.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/362
* Cleanup `proj_path` fixture by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/379
* bump version + add readme keyword by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/382
* 376 make default type zntrackoption by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/383
* Add Custom Errors by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/384
* Update automatic `__init__` to require non-default kwargs by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/387
* use `ZnInit` package by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/390
* fix pylint warnings by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/393
* fix `zn.Nodes` issue with `zn.plots` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/338
* Undo call cargs change by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/402
* write the class docstring to `dvc.yaml` 'desc' field by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/403
* create a performance report by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/417
* Small Code Updates by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/407
* add depreciation warning by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/414
* make 'affected_files' a property by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/415
* Inspect code by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/418
* add 'write_desc' kwarg by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/419
* Depreciate dvc interface by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/421
* Add `cache` argument to `zn.metrics` and `zn.plots` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/420
* add `zn.Meta` for metadata which is not tracked by DVC by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/404

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3


What's Changed
* Add zenodo badge by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/275
* change `dvc.params` to work with files by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/276
* add template option for plots modify by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/280
* Create dependabot.yml by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/281
* Update README.md by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/286
* add mean/std to timeit decorator by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/284
* add `filename` kwargs by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/288
* add `zntrack.collect` as Node attribute by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/287
* add `__hash__()` based on the parameters and node_name by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/289
* Bump sphinx from 4.0.2 to 4.5.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/282
* Small bugfixes by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/290
* add `get_origin` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/291
* allow lists in `get_origin` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/292
* add `__post_init__` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/293
* use poetry for installation and development by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/296
* Update pyproject.toml by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/297
* Allow for Nodes as `zn.Method` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/285
* fix documentation building by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/300
* 298 fix documentation building by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/302
* 298 fix documentation building by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/303
* fix hash issue with znjson serialization by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/305
* Bump numpy from 1.22.3 to 1.22.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/304
* Bump coverage from 6.3.3 to 6.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/309
* try RTD fix by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/310
* Poetry update by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/311
* Update .readthedocs.yaml by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/312
* update poetry.lock by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/313
* remove pandoc by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/314
* poetry update by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/315
* Update .readthedocs.yaml by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/316
* Bump sphinx from 4.5.0 to 5.0.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/317
* Bump notebook from 6.4.11 to 6.4.12 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/324
* Bump dvc from 2.10.2 to 2.11.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/322
* Bump coverage from 6.4 to 6.4.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/318
* Bump nbsphinx from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/320
* Bump numpydoc from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/325
* Bump sphinx from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/323
* Bump numpy from 1.22.4 to 1.23.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/326
* Bump jupyterlab from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/321
* Bump pandas from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/327
* Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.6.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/328
* Bump dvc from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/329
* Bump nbmake from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/331
* Bump pre-commit from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/333
* Bump numpy from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/332

New Contributors
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/282

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2


What's Changed
* fix type hints by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/260
* Fix getdeps issue by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/262
* Prohibit Node from changing params.yaml or zntrack.json during run by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/222
* Add matmul shorthand by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/264
* Fix Inheritance Issue by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/267
* Update black[22.3.0] by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/270
* Generate `df.index.name` if not provided by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/271
* bugfix: change plots filename by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/273
* add support for `plots modify` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/274
* add `save_plots` and introduce new `ZnTypes.PLOTS` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/269

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1


⚙️New Features
- License changed to [Apache-2.0 License](https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/blob/main/LICENSE)
- support for Python 3.7
- Add a lazy-loading mechanic in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/236
- internal optimization
- new load mechanic via `Node[<nodename>]`
- introduce `zntrack.getdeps` (see documentation)

What's Changed
* Update README.md by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/220
* Small Code Improvements by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/223
* Support Python 3.7 by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/228
* change serializer by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/231
* Fix bug by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/235
* Code Cleanup + Docs + Bugfixes by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/232
* Update CI by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/237
* Allow for class dependencies by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/239
* Stop converting jupyter to python after class definition is found by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/238
* use `as_posix` instead of `str()` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/241
* Add a lazy-loading mechanic by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/236
* add config.log_level by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/244
* use enum library by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/248
* Add Tests for depedencies by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/249
* add `prepare_dvc_script` for `nodify` and `Node` by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/246
* Fix 240 by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/250
* Fix 234 by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/251
* Remove tracked value tracked by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/253
* Allow `Node[<nodename>]` to load a Node by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/254
* Pylint perflint by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/256
* Allow for Node Attribute dependencies by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/255
* Update License and bump version by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/257

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/compare/v0.3.5...v0.4.0


⚙️New Features
- add `nodify()` decorator to convert functions into Nodes on the DAG
- add automatic `__init__` including autocompletion

What's Changed
* clean up config files by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/214
* Add support for function decorator by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/213
* add tests by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/215
* Add automatic __init__ by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/198
* Type check by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/218
* fix jupyter issue by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/219

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/compare/v0.3.4...v0.3.5


Important Fix for `zn.Method`
* Bugfix by PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/212

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