- Moved named template implementation to zope.browserpage.
- Moved viewpagetemplatefile, simpleviewclass and metaconfigure.registerType into the zope.browserpage package, reversing the dependency.
- Refactored nested macro test from a functional test into a unit test. This allowed to remove the last outside zope.app dependencies.
- Fixed undeclared testing dependency on zope.app.component.
- Copy trivial NoTraverser class from zope.app.publication to avoid a ZCML dependency on that package.
- Correct testing dependency to point to zope.securitypolicy instead of its zope.app variant. The app version is no longer required since 3.4.1.
- Removed the ``inline-evaluation`` extra referring to zope.app.interpreter. There's no code or ZCML left pointing to that package.
- Restored ``zope.app.pagetemplate.engine`` module, using BBB imports from ``zope.pagetemplate.engine``.
- Moved the ``engine`` module and associated testing machinery to ``zope.pagetemplate`` (version 3.5.0).
* Moved ``namedtemplate.*`` from ``zope.formlib`` here as it is more about a page template engine than a formular library. This also breaks some dependencies on ``zope.formlib``.
* Added doctests to long_description to show up on pypi.