
Latest version: v4.1.0

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- Rewrite tests in order not to dependent on ``zope.app.testing`` and

- ``zope.app.wsgi.testlayer`` introduces new testing functionality that
can replace the old functionality in ``zope.app.testing``. In addition,
it supports using ``zope.testbrowser`` with WSGI directly (instead of
relying on ``zope.app.testing``, which pulls in a lot of dependencies).

The interesting parts are:

* ``zope.app.wsgi.testlayer.BrowserLayer``: this sets up a minimal layer
that allows you to use the new WSGI-enabled Browser.

* ``zope.app.wsgi.testlayer.Browser``: this is a subclass of Browser from
``zope.testbrowser.browser``. Use it instead of
``zope.testbrowser.browser`` directly to use the test browser with WSGI.
You need to use ``BrowserLayer`` with your tests for this to work.

* ``zope.app.wsgi.testlayer.http``: this is the equivalent to the ``http()``
function in ``zope.app.testing``. It allows low-level HTTP access
through WSGI. You need to use ``BrowserLayer`` with your tests for
this to work.



- Support product configuration sections in Zope configuration files.



- Import database events directly from ``zope.processlifetime``
instead of using BBB imports in ``zope.app.appsetup``.



- The ``WSGIPublisherApplication`` uses now the ``ILoggingInfo`` concept given
from zope.publisher.interfaces.logginginfo for log user infos usable for
access logs. This allows you to implement your own access log user info
message. See zope.publisher.interfaces.logginginfo.ILoggingInfo for more



- The ``WSGIPublisherApplication`` call now provides a user name
in the environment meant for use in logs.



- Make devmode warning message more generic. We don't nesessary have the
`etc/zope.conf` file nowadays when using buildout-based setups.

- Add an application factory for Paste. So Zope application can now be
easily deployed with Paste .ini configuration like this::

use = egg:zope.app.wsgi
config_file = %(here)s/zope.conf
handle_errors = false

The config_file is a required argument, however the handle_errors
defaults to True if not specified. Setting it to False allows you to
make WSGIPublisherApplication not handle exceptions itself but
propagate them to an upper middleware, like WebError or something.

- The ``WSGIPublisherApplication`` constructor and ``getWSGIApplication``
function now accept optional ``handle_errors`` argument, described

- Change mailing list address to zope-dev at zope.org instead of retired

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