- New module ``zope.interface.registry``. This is code moved from
``zope.component.registry`` which implements a basic nonperistent component
registry as ``zope.interface.registry.Components``. This class was moved
from ``zope.component`` to make porting systems (such as Pyramid) that rely
only on a basic component registry to Python 3 possible without needing to
port the entirety of the ``zope.component`` package. Backwards
compatibility import shims have been left behind in ``zope.component``, so
this change will not break any existing code.
- New ``tests_require`` dependency: ``zope.event`` to test events sent by
Components implementation. The ``zope.interface`` package does not have a
hard dependency on ``zope.event``, but if ``zope.event`` is importable, it
will send component registration events when methods of an instance of
``zope.interface.registry.Components`` are called.
- New interfaces added to support ``zope.interface.registry.Components``
addition: ``ComponentLookupError``, ``Invalid``, ``IObjectEvent``,
``ObjectEvent``, ``IComponentLookup``, ``IRegistration``,
``IUtilityRegistration``, ``IAdapterRegistration``,
``ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration``, ``IHandlerRegistration``,
``IRegistrationEvent``, ``RegistrationEvent``, ``IRegistered``,
``Registered``, ``IUnregistered``, ``Unregistered``,
``IComponentRegistry``, and ``IComponents``.
- No longer Python 2.4 compatible (tested under 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2).