- Depend on ``zope.component`` >= 3.8.0, which supports the new semantic of zope.component.zcml.proxify needed by zope.sendmail.zcml.
- Use simple vocabulary factory function instead of custom `UtilityTerm` and `UtilityVocabulary` classes, copied from ``zope.app.component`` in the previous release.
- Depend on the ``transaction`` package instead of ``ZODB3``.
- Remove zcml slugs and zpkg-related files.
- Work around problem when used with Python >=2.5.1. See https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/zope.sendmail/+bug/413335 .
- Copyover the UtilityTerm and UtilityVocabulary implementation from zope.app.component to avoid a dependency.
- Work around a problem when smtp quit fails, the mail was considered not delivered where just the quit failed.
- If the SMTP server rejects a message (for example, when the sender or recipient address is malformed), that email stays in the queue forever (https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope3/+bug/157104).
- Add README.txt - Can now talk to servers that don't implement EHLO - Fix bug that caused files with very long names to be created - Fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope3/+bug/157104: move aside mail that's causing 5xx server responses.