- Use zope.container instead of ``zope.app.container``.
- Use zope.site instead of ``zope.app.folder`` in the unit tests.
- Reduce, but not eliminate, test dependencies on ``zope.app.component``.
- Reverse dependencies between ``zope.location`` and ``zope.traversing``.
- Update (test) dependencies and tests to expect and work with a spec compliant TAL interpreter as available in ``zope.tal`` >= 3.5.0.
- Fix deprecation warning caused by using an old module name for ``ZopeSecurityPolicy`` in ``ftesting.zcml``.
- Ensure traversing doesn't raise an TypeError but a TraversalError when the traversal step before yielded a string.
- Back out the controversial ``++skin++`` traverser for XML-RPC.
- Port 3.4.1a1 to trunk
- Do not use unicode strings to set the application server in the virtual host namespace. This caused ``absolute_url`` to create unicode URL's.
- Add a traverer for ``++skin++`` for XMLRPC skins (``IXMLRPCSkinType``). This also means that the normal ``++skin++`` namespace handler is only bound to ``IBrowserRequest``.
- Resolve the dependency on ``zope.app.applicationcontrol`` by importing the application controller only if the package is available.
- Fix deprecation warning caused by using an old module name for ``ZopeSecurityPolicy`` in ``ftesting.zcml``.
- Do not use unicode strings to set the application server in the virtual host namespace. This caused absolute_url to create unicode URL's.