
Latest version: v4.1.0

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- Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.



- Moved to `zope.app.tree`

- It is now called 'ZopeTree' again. Hoorray!

- Refactored browser stuff into its own browser subpackage.

- Separated the handling of tree state from the cookie functionality
to provide a base class for views based on other tree state sources.



- Added support for displaying lines in a tree (Stephan Richter)

- Changes in `Node.getFlatDict()` to provide more data. Removed
'depth' from node info, but added 'row-state' and
'last-level-node'. Changed interface and test accordingly.

- Updated templates for `StaticTree` skin and example. Note that
third party templates from 1.0.x will not work anymore and must be
updated as well!



- Added last remaining pieces for unit tests

- Updated documentation

- Rounded some rough edges in the skin

- Integrated it into the Zope3 distribution below the `zope.products`



- Ported to Zope 3

- Renamed it to 'statictree'

- Much more unit tests

- Added filter functionality

- Provided sample implementations as well as an alternate
rotterdam-like skin using the static tree

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