
Latest version: v5.0

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- We depended on ``zope.formlib`` but didn't include its configuration. Now
it's included in ``configure.zcml``.

- We include ZCML of ``zope.app.error`` but didn't mention it as a dependency.



- Add include of ``zope.app.schema:configure.zcml``. Because component-based
vocabularies are used everywhere and we need to import zope.app.schema
somehow to make it work. This is needed because of removal of the include
of zope.app.schema's meta.zcml in the previous release.



- Remove deprecated include of ``zope.app.component.browser:meta.zcml``.
- Remove deprecated include of ``zope.app.schema:meta.zcml``.
- Remove use of zope.modulealias.



- Fix test failure due to missing ``zope.app.container.browser.ftests``
directory. Now it is moved to ``zope.app.container.browser.tests``.



- Fix test failure due to missing ``zope.app.form.browser.ftests`` directory.
Now it is moved to ``zope.app.form.browser.tests``.



- Added missing dependency.

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