
Latest version: v7.3

Safety actively analyzes 688823 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Undo changes from 4.0.0a4. Instead, ``zope.untrustedpython`` is only
included during Python 2 installs.



- Remove ``untrustedpython`` extra again, since we do not want to support
``zope.untrustedpython`` in ZTK 2.0. If BBB is really needed, we will create
a 3.10.0 release.



- Fix test breakage in 4.0.0a2 due to deprecation strategy.



- Add back the ``untrustedpython`` extra: now pulls in
``zope.untrustedpython``. Restored deprecated backward-compatible imports
for ``zope.security.untrustedpython.{builtins,interpreter,rcompile}``
(the extra and the imports are to be removed in version 4.1).



- Add support for Python 3.2 and 3.3.

- Bring unit test coverage to 100%.

- ``zope.security.untrustedpython`` moved to separate project:

- Convert use of ``assert`` in non-test code to apprpriate error types:

- Non-dict's passed to ``Checker.__init__``.

- Remove dprecattion of ``zope.security.adapter.TrustedAdapterFactory``.
Although it has been marked as deprectaed since before Zope3 3.2, current
versions of ``zope.compoent`` still rely on it.

- Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation in 'docs'.

- Add ``setup.py docs`` alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies).

- Add ``setup.py dev`` alias (runs ``setup.py develop`` plus installs
``nose`` and ``coverage``).

- Make non-doctest tests fully independent of ``zope.testing``.

Two modules, ``zope.security.checker`` and ``zope.security.management``,
register cleanups with ``zope.testing`` IFF it is importable, but the
tests no longer rely on it.

- Enable building extensions without the ``svn:external`` of the ``zope.proxy``
headers into our ``include`` dir.

- Bump ``zope.proxy`` dependency to ">= 4.1.0" to enable compilation
on Py3k.

- Replace deprecated ``zope.component.adapts`` usage with equivalent
``zope.component.adapter`` decorator.

- Replace deprecated ``zope.interface.classProvides`` usage with equivalent
``zope.interface.provider`` decorator.

- Replace deprecated ``zope.interface.implements`` usage with equivalent
``zope.interface.implementer`` decorator.

- Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.

- Add test convenience helper ``create_interaction`` and
``with interaction()``.



- Pin ``zope.proxy >= 4.1.0``

- Ship with an included ``proxy.h`` header which is compatible with the
4.1.x version ov ``zope.proxy``.

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