- Reinstate simple sessioning with ``Products.TemporaryFolder``
because the underlying issues with ``tempstorage`` have been fixed.
(`985 <https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope/issues/985>`_)
- Update the ``AccessControl`` version pin to fix a remote code execution issue
(see `AccessControl security advisory GHSA-qcx9-j53g-ccgf
- Prevent ``DeprecationWarnings`` from moved imports in ``AccessControl``
- make sure "Manager" users can always modify proxy roles
(`see Products.PythonScripts50
- Deprecate usage of "unicode" converters. Also, the behavior of
``field2lines`` is now aligned to the other converters and returns a list of
strings instead of a list of bytes.
(`962 <https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope/issues/962>`_)
- Update to newest compatible versions of dependencies.