* docs: Add instructions to README. ([`925ecf9`](
* feat: Define Zotero2Readwise class that runs everything. ([`8361426`](
* feat: Functions to retrieve all annotations and notes from Zotero.
fix: Get &34;creators&34; from metadata. ([`cafb998`](
* feat: Major changes to Readwise class.
Update tags and creators signatures of ZoteroItem. ([`ea27b8c`](
* feat: Save failed items to a json file. Add printouts. ([`e107fc0`](
* feat: Define ZoteroItem dataclass and use that to format the zotero annotations (separate formatting from Readwise class). ([`cfa1b12`](
* feat: Add `ZoteroAnnotationsNotes` to `Readwise` object.
Define `convert_tags_to_readwise_format()`, `format_readwise_note()`, `convert_zotero_annotation_to_readwise_highlight()`
Delete `format_highlights()`. ([`8f34989`](
* feat: Define ZoteroAnnotationsNotes. Add `sanitize_tag()` helper function.
Comment out ZoteroAnnotation dataclass. ([`d5f27d6`](
* feat: Define ReadwiseAPI and ReadwiseHighlight dataclasses.
Define Category Enum.
Define Readwise class that post the highlight to Readwise highlight endpoint. ([`8d5488f`](
* Merge pull request 3 from e-alizadeh/master
Update dir to python version in init. ([`ecad7af`](
* Update dir to python version in init. ([`e510343`](
* Merge pull request 2 from e-alizadeh/master
Update workflow name. ([`d5bab23`](
* Update workflow name. ([`35acddb`](
* Merge pull request 1 from e-alizadeh/master
Update link in README. ([`377669a`](
* Update link in README. ([`bdf2ffd`](
* Use bool flag to run zotero items retrieval. ([`9b956c8`](
* Update default values for optional flags. ([`8d3217a`](
* Rename zt2rw -> zotero2readwise ([`8f086d7`](
* Add a script to run the whole process. ([`9dea53d`](
* Remove unused Path. ([`477b8aa`](
* Create a directory for failed items JSON files. ([`4ee8268`](
* Add CHANGELOG. ([`6feef46`](
* Update GH action ([`5360e7b`](
* Move filepath handling to the method instead of class init ([`f6f9178`](
* Set versions to 0.0.0.
Add Python Semantic Release.
Add Github Action Release. ([`b0833fb`](
* Add ipdb to dev dependencies. ([`e687072`](
* Move printout to outside the for-loop. ([`5c5b4c9`](
* Minor refactoring. ([`cec9bf5`](
* Fix import error. ([`86cf280`](
* Move creators concatenation to Zotero object. ([`3be7dee`](
* Define ZoteroAnnotation dataclass. Define get_zotero_client() (a wrapper around Pyzotero&39;s Zotero object). ([`73e5bb7`](
* Add setup.cfg ([`852072b`](
* Add pre-commit-config. Create a zt2rw package. ([`56cf677`](
* Update gitignore ([`b5e3563`](
* Define env files. ([`9e370ae`](
* Initial commit ([`32dc57d`](