FEATURE: Allow users to reset their password (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/65)
CHANGE: Improved email styling for new user invite emails (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/157)
CHANGE: Migrated from `openziti-test-kitchen` to `openziti` (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/158).
CHANGE: Show a hint when `zrok invite` fails, indicating that the user should check to see if they need to be using the `--token` flag and token-based invites (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/172).
FIX: Fixed PostgreSQL migration issue where sequences got reset and resulted in primary key collisions on a couple of tables (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/160).
FIX: Remove `frontend` instances when `zrok disable`-ing an environment containing them (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/issues/171)
v0.3.x Series
The `v0.2` series was a _proof-of-concept_ implementation for the overall `zrok` architecture and the concept.
`v0.3` is a massive elaboration of the concept, pivoting it from being a simple ephemeral reverse proxy solution, to being the beginnings of a comprehensive sharing platform, complete with public and private sharing (built on top of OpenZiti).
`v0.3.0` includes the minimal functionality required to produce an early, preview version of the elaborated `zrok` concept, suitable for both production use at `zrok.io`, and also suitable for private self-hosting.
From `v0.3.0` forward, we will begin tracking notable changes in this document.