What's Changed
* :sparkles: Added linking to DBPedia by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/56
* Improve/update documentation by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/57
* :zap: Added cache to regen tries by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/60
* Fix RuntimeError in ZSBert by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/61
* Improve evaluation by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/62
* :bug: Fix bug in relations renderer by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/65
* Fix/tests by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/66
* Feat/knowledge extractor by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/63
* Improve/documentation by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/67
* :white_check_mark: Improve coverage by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/68
* :arrow_up: Update torch requirements by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/71
* :bug: Fixed bug in Regen constrained generation by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/75
* Fix/constrained regen by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/76
* :sparkles: Added UDEBO descriptions enrichment by marmg in https://github.com/IBM/zshot/pull/77
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/IBM/zshot/compare/v0.0.8...v0.0.9