Fixed + bug: 16: skipping folders in hashing. + bug: [Error 22] datetime.fromtimestamp() - windows's python 3.6+ has an issue with 1970 for this function. + mirrors: hastisub is back and adapted subscene changes.
Improved + extract: downloaded rar files labeled as "bad zip file" and got deleted. now zsub will extract rar files too.
-------------- 2019-06-13
Fixed + bug: it was checking for update twice in update command call. + bug: it was removing same subtitles after opening unzip folder. Now it is done before opening.
-------------- 2019-06-13
Fixed + bug: it was always checking for update in each call.
-------------- 2019-06-12
New + add update command + if last check for update was before 7 days ago, zsub will check for update at next call.
-------------- 2019-06-10
New + info: switch to -t,-s,-n for sort
Fixed + mirrors: subf2m is working now
Removed - info: sort switch is removed in favour of -s,-t,-n
-------------- 2019-06-08
New + add login command + info: sort switch + dl, unzip, batch: remove extracted subtitles that have same content (name does not matter)
Improved + info and clean: size representation in linux is more accurate. + clean: show how much spaced is freed by cleaning
Fixed + unzip: uppercase words would not match a title.
Removed - support for persian clones (they did not follow recent changes in subscene)