
Latest version: v0.2.3.post4

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- now requiring wxPython version >= 3.0.0 (This is the reason for the larger bump in version number)
- fixed a number of GUI bugs that wxPython upgrade introduced. (More likely than bugs with wxPython 3 is that the wxPython 2 had bugs that had been worked-around and/or other issues.)
- added instructions for install on a fresh OS X Yosemite 10.10 system using system's Python distribution to README.md
- (No difference between v0.2.0 and v0.2.1 in git repository, except that had messed up uploading to pypi & couldn't rewrite the same filename, so had to increment version number to fix formatting of README.md on pypi webpage. Issue was pypandoc install was broken first time I built.)




- implemented that z-key on primary image activates a plot in z-dim of image stack in plot_panel
- FITS header is updated in fits header window when a new file is loaded (or header for sky file or header for flat file)
- misc bug fixes

- updated version number b/c realized had already released 0.1.2
- fixed bug in plot_panel where doing slice beyond image size caused warnings.
- implemented click-and-drag to aperture radii on profile plot in phot_panel




- updated version number b/c had already released 0.1.1dev




- added default_data_dir, and default_autoload-pattern options
- changed default color of lines to be more visible against gist-heat map
- added auto-stats-box option for scaling on load of new image
- Fix bug in reading fits files that was a problem in autoloading when fits file hadn't yet been written fully to disk.




- Fixed several bugs for use on linux/ubuntu




- First public release to github and pypi


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