This release comes with a **lot** of new changes, including:
- Several new arguments for ``abagen.get_expression_data()``, including new
probe selection methods, donor normalization techniques, and hemispheric
mirroring of tissue samples;
- A command-line version of the primary workflow accessible via the ``abagen``
- Improved data handling, using $HOME/abagen-data as the default storage
location for data from the AHBA;
- New functionality for fetching raw AHBA donor MRI scans;
- Zenodo integration to make it easy to cite ``abagen``; and,
- Massive documentation overhauls, with a dramatically updated user guide and
API reference!
Special thanks to Golia Shafiei (gshafiei), Ying-Qiu Zheng (yingqiuz), James
Frierson (JamesFrierson1), and Arda Kosar (abkosar) for their contributions.
* [MNT] Finishes Zenodo integration (109), rmarkello
* [MNT] Adds framework for Zenodo integration (108), rmarkello
* [REF] Fixes one-donor bug in get_expression_data() (107), rmarkello
* [REF] Identifies hippocampus as subcortex in Allen ontology (106), rmarkello
* [DOC] Updates documentation + contributing (105), rmarkello
* [REF] Mirroring before probe filtering (101), rmarkello
* [FIX] Installation not correctly bundling package data (102), rmarkello
* [MNT] Docs / package structure updates in prep for 0.2.0 (95), rmarkello
* [REF] abagen.io functions don't copy dataframes by default (94), rmarkello
* [FIX] Fixes broken include directive in API reference (91), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds parameter for normalizing donor microarray expression values (90), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds option to mirror samples across L/R hemispheres (87), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds CLI for `abagen.get_expression_data` functionality (82), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds ability to fetch raw AHBA MRIs (85), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds ability to query gene groups (83), rmarkello
* [MNT,REF] Updates install, versioning, dependencies (84), rmarkello
* [REF] Adds brainstem to abagen.process ontology (81), rmarkello
* [DOC] Updates API documentation (76), rmarkello
* [REF,ENH] Adds new abagen.probes module (67), rmarkello
* [REF] Changes data directory locator for abagen data (66), rmarkello
* [FIX] Fixes doctest in abagen.mouse (65), rmarkello
* [REF] Removes .get_values() references (64), rmarkello
* [DOC] Adds logging to workflow functions (61), rmarkello
* Fixed abagen.mouse column ordering (62), abkosar
* [DOC] Update refs and http (60), rmarkello
* [REF] Use cached alleninf coordinates only (59), rmarkello
* [FIX] Removes RuntimeWarning in example code (58), rmarkello
* Updated README to include Allen Institute citations and disclaimers (57), JamesFrierson1
* [FIX] Catches AttributeError w/pandas fastparquet (41), rmarkello
* [REF] Updates get_expression_data() (38), rmarkello
* [TEST] Fixes tests (34), rmarkello
* Add mouse features (32), yingqiuz
* [TEST] Fix pytest version and update travis (33), rmarkello
* [TEST] Update travis testing (31), rmarkello
* [FIX] More fixes for atlas numbering (30), rmarkello
* [FIX] Allow non-sequential atlas numbering (29), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds input check for remove_distance() (28), rmarkello
* [ENH] Allow label exclusion in `remove_distance()` (27), rmarkello
* [REF] Changes `remove_distance()` inputs (26), rmarkello
* [ENH] Add function for aggregating donors (25), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds reannotated probe information (24), rmarkello
* [ENH] Adds `abagen.correct` for postprocessing (20), rmarkello
* [TEST] Removes pytest capturing (23), rmarkello
* [TEST] Calculates coverage only for extras (22), rmarkello
* [DOC] Updates doc-strings for primary functions (19), rmarkello
* [TEST] Add early test to reduce timeouts (21), rmarkello
* [FIX] Adds updated MNI coordinates file as backup (17), rmarkello
* [DOC] Updates default tolerance (16), gshafiei