
Latest version: v5.2.9

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A new method (readinto) was added a while ago to replace the read_into method. The origin read_into method is now being removed.


2.0 Release with binaries for CircuitPython 2.x. This also includes the latest change to modify I2C read_into to be readinto and is needed to work with updated drivers. Note that this might not work with CircuitPython 3.0+ releases!


Update the docs to correct examples.

To use in CircuitPython, download the .mpy file and copy it to the `lib` folder on the `CIRCUITPY` drive. Or, simply install the [Adafruit bundle](

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


This requires [CircuitPython]( 0.9.4+!

* Add option to clock SPI after a transaction.
* Switch to new [BusDevice]( API.
* Switch to `nativeio` split APIs.


Updated docs and rename to CircuitPython.


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