
Latest version: v5.2.9

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip install adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip install adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


Update to how we scan for I2C addresses, so BeagleBones are happy

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip install adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


No code changes.

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip install adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.



Linux (and possibly other smbus-supporting OS's) can't set 'stop' on individual writes, instead, we must call a separate ioctl. We add a check so that if busio doesn't support it, we fall back to two calls instead of one

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