
Latest version: v1.24.0

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- `PullRequest.create()` now accepts a target branch, this defaults to main, but can be overriden to any branch, including master.
- Better documentation around which Build methods return stages/jobs/task `display_name` versus returning their `internal_name`


- `BuildTimeline`s "identifier" has been renamed to `internal_name`.
- Repo's utility function "create_pull_request" now accepts a target branch name, and is_draft for setting it to draft.





- `BuildDefinition.get_environment_approvals()`, which allows you to get a mapping of stage_name -> approval_id.
- Using the above with `approve_environment_for_pipeline` should allow you to approve environment stages, takes a stage_name


- Builds and BuildDefinitions have be split into their own files, it was getting to cluttered with all the new build features. This shouldn't change anything, since you can import both of them from the root directory (e.g. from ado_wrapper import Build, BuildDefinition) like before.
- `BuildDefinition`s __str__ method is now autogenerated by dataclasses.
- Docs are now running a newer version, so should be more up to date.




- `BuildDefinition.get_all_stages()`'s stages_to_run now converts display names to internal names if provided.




- `BuildDefinition.get_all_stages()` now takes template_parameters, whereas before it would simply use the defaults for that pipeline.
- A warning when trying to use an invalid access token.


- Fetching a list of `PersonalAccessTokens` using `PersonalAccessToken.get_access_tokens()` now works for days in the month < 10 (e.g. 1st->9th)
- Finally removed the deprecated `AdoClient.ado_org` and `AdoClient.ado_project`, use `ado_org_name` and `ado_project_name` instead.
- Fixed some tests regarding a renamed team (should create test environment for this reason, maybe one day)




- The `ado_wrapper.utils` import now contains multiple ansi colour codes for use with build logs.
- The ability to do `BuildTimeline.get_all_by_types()`, which returns multiple types (e.g. stages, jobs)
- The ability to do `Build.get_stages_jobs_tasks()`, which returns a nested dictionary of all the stages, jobs and tasks for a certain build.
- `Run.get_task_parents()`, which returns the ids and names of any pipeline run's task's parents (e.g. stage & job)


- Run's created off branches should now work again.
- `Build.get_build_log_content()` now requires stage, job and task, since previously you could have the same job and task (but different stage)
- The internal `_get_all_logs_ids` is now much more nicely coded, and doesn't rely on parsing HTML.
- `BuildDefinitionStage` has been renamed from `BuildDefinitionStep`, it has always reflected stages.




- `get_default_reviewers_by_repo_id` has been renamed to `get_default_reviewer_policy_by_repo_id` (and re-implemented)
- Added `MergeTypeRestrictionPolicy` to the __all__ so it can be imported easily


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