
Latest version: v1.39.0

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- Added all the project settings, including `get_build_queue_settings, get_retention_policy_setting, get_pipeline_settings, get_artifact_storage_settings, get_test_retention_settings, get_project_overview_settings` and `set_test_retention_settings`.
- `ProjectRepositorySettingDisplayType` and `ProjectServicesType` to


- Fixed the ID for creating projects with Methodology `Basic`.
- The key word argument for creating projects and variable groups has been renamed to just "name", rather than project_name and variable_group_name respectively (to better be in parity with the other creation functions).
- Internally, lots of aliases have been cleaned up in Project Settings (from functions to just bindings)
- ProjectRepositorySettings.get_by_project() has been remapped to `.get_repository_settings()` to better fit the other functions




- The ability to get Project-wide repository policies, e.g. commit author validation using `Project.get_repository_policies()`. In the future, it's planned to be able to set these programmatically, using `Project.set_repository_policies()`.
- `RepoPolicyProgrammaticName` and `RepoPolicyDisplayTypes` to ``.


- `Run.run_all_and_capture_results_simultaneously()` and `Run.run_all_and_capture_results_sequentially()` now return lists of `Run`s, not dictionaries, to allow multiple of the same build definition to be run at once. They are listed in the order they complete.
- Project repository settings and the new repository policies have been moved out of and into




- `Task.get_log_content()` which mirrors `Run.get_run_log_content()`, but almost acting as an alias
- The ability to get the amount of free and purchased parallel jobs and hosted agents for a project, using `Project.get_build_queue_settings()`
- The ability to get the retention for builds and releases for a project, using `Project.get_retention_policy_settings()`




- The requirement to elevate privileges through a new context manager `with ado_client.elevated_privileges():` for creation and deletion of projects.
- When using `BuildTimeline`s, the parent job and stages (where appropriate)'s id and name are automatically added to the item's attributes.


- `Run.run_and_wait_until_completion()` and it's sibling functions will now capture the error if it fails to fetch, rather than killing all the runs.
- `ProjectVisibilityType, TemplateTypes, ProjectStatus, ProjectRepositorySettingType` are all added to
- `VoteOptions` is also added to
- Remove `Run`'s `get_task_parents` in favour of using `.parent_job_name` and `parent_stage_name` (as properties, less fetches).




- `BuildTimeline.get_tasks_by_name(ado_client, <build_id>, <task_name>)` which returns all tasks with that task name.
- The polling interval for runs via run_and_wait_until_complete and sibling functions is now configurable by passing in a new arg to the ado_client object (run_polling_interval_seconds)
- The polling rate for a run can be temporarily changed using the new context manager, ado_client.temporary_polling_interval(<interval_in_seconds>)
- ado_client.assume_project(<project_name>) which can be used to assume a different ADO project, changing where function calls are made from.


- `BuildTimeline`s now hide a lot more of it's attributes in strs/reprs.
- `` now show dictionary types, and unpacks tuples for you.
- `BuildTimeline` now has a new alias, `get_by_build_id`.
- Slightly optimised `BuildTime.get_all_by_types()`




- AgentPools.create are now creatable and no longer raises NotImplementedError, as does delete_by_id.
- Added all the gitignore templates to Commits, and also to repo creation as a new argument.
- MergePolicyDefaultReviewer now converts from origin_ids to local_ids, which internally means it'll work on side projects/orgs.
- When creating a run with run variables, it'll now warn you if the projects repo settings prevents runtime vars.
- Teams can not be created and deleted rather than raising NotImplementedError (and are state manageable).


- AgentPool.get_by_name now works properly, and doesn't filter by id anymore.
- Commit.create now defaults to "Add" change_type, and a default commit message.
- More assert statements have been replaced with full error handling and messages.


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