This version of agate introduces three major changes.
1. :class:`.Table`, :meth:`.Table.from_csv` and :meth:`.TableSet.from_csv` now all take ``column_names`` and ``column_types`` as separate arguments instead of as a sequence of tuples. This was done to enable more flexible type inference and to streamline the API.
2. The interfaces for :meth:`.TableSet.aggregate` and :meth:`.Table.compute` have been changed. In both cases the new column name now comes first. Aggregations have also been modified so that the input column name is an argument to the aggregation class, rather than a third element in the tuple.
3. This version drops support for Python 2.6. Testing and bug-fixing for this version was taking substantial time with no evidence that anyone was actually using it. Also, multiple dependencies claim to not support 2.6, even though agate's tests were passing.
* DataType's now have :meth:`.DataType.csvify` and :meth:`.DataType.jsonify` methods for serializing native values.
* Added a dependency on `isodate <https://github.com/gweis/isodate>`_ for handling ISO8601 formatted dates. (#233)
* :class:`.Aggregation` results are no longer cached. (378)
* Removed `Column.aggregate` method. Use :meth:`.Table.aggregate` instead. (378)
* Added :meth:`.Table.aggregate` for aggregating single column results. (378)
* :class:`.Aggregation` subclasses now take column names as their first argument. (378)
* :meth:`.TableSet.aggregate` and :meth:`.Table.compute` now take the new column name as the first argument. (378)
* Remove support for Python 2.6.
* :meth:`.Table.to_json` is implemented. (345)
* :meth:`.Table.from_json` is implemented. (344, 347)
* :class:`.Date` and :class:`.DateTime` type testing now takes specified format into account. (361)
* :class:`.Number` data type now takes a ``float_precision`` argument.
* :class:`.Number` data types now work with native float values. (370)
* :class:`.TypeTester` can now validate Python native types (not just strings). (367)
* :class:`.TypeTester` can now be used with the :class:`.Table` constructor, not just :meth:`.Table.from_csv`. (350)
* :class:`.Table`, :meth:`.Table.from_csv` and :meth:`.TableSet.from_csv` now take ``column_names`` and ``column_types`` as separate parameters. (350)
* :const:`.DEFAULT_NULL_VALUES` (the list of strings that mean null) is now importable from ``agate``.
* :meth:`.Table.from_csv` and :meth:`.Table.to_csv` are now unicode-safe without separately importing csvkit.
* ``agate`` can now be used as a drop-in replacement for Python's ``csv`` module.
* Migrated `csvkit <https://csvkit.readthedocs.org>`_'s unicode CSV reading/writing support into agate. (#354)