
Latest version: v1.13.0

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* Implemented __repr__ for Table, TableSet, Column and Row. (261)
* Row.index property added.
* Column constructor no longer takes a data_type argument.
* Column.index and properties added.
* Table.counts implemented. (271)
* Table.bins implemented. (267, 227)
* Table.join now raises ColumnDoesNotExistError. (264)
* now raises ColumnDoesNotExistError.
* computations.ZScores moved into agate-stats.
* computations.Rank cmp argument renamed comparer.
* aggregations.MaxPrecision added. (265)
* Table.print_bars added.
* Table.pretty_print renamed Table.print_table.
* Reimplement Table method proxying via allow_tableset_proxy decorator. (263)
* Add agate-stats references to docs.
* Move stdev_outliers, mad_outliers and pearson_correlation into agate-stats. (260)
* Prevent issues with applying patches multiple times. (258)



* Add reverse and cmp arguments to Rank computation. (248)
* Document how to use agate-sql to read/write SQL tables. (238, 241)
* Document how to write extensions.
* Add monkeypatching extensibility pattern via utils.Patchable.
* Reversed order of argument pairs for Table.compute. (249)
* TableSet.merge method can be used to ungroup data. (253)
* Columns with identical names are now suffixed "2" after a Table.join.
* Duplicate key columns are no longer included in the result of a Table.join. (250)
* Table.join right_key no longer necessary if identical to left_key. (254)
* Table.inner_join is now more. Use `inner` keyword to Table.join.
* Table.left_outer_join is now Table.join.



* Add many missing unit tests. Up to 99% coverage.
* Add property accessors for TableSet.key_name and TableSet.key_type. (247)
* Table.rows and Table.columns are now behind properties. (247)
* Column.data_type is now a property. (247)
* Table[Set].get_column_types() is now the Table[Set].column_types property. (247)
* Table[Set].get_column_names() is now the Table[Set].column_names property. (247)
* Table.pretty_print now displays consistent decimal places for each Number column.
* Discrete data types (Number, Date etc) are now right-aligned in Table.pretty_print.
* Implement aggregation result caching. (245)
* Reimplement Percentiles, Quartiles, etc as aggregations.
* UnsupportedAggregationError is now used to disable TableSet aggregations.
* Replaced several exceptions with more general DataTypeError.
* Column type information can now be accessed as Column.data_type.
* Eliminated Column subclasses. Restructured around DataType classes.
* Table.merge implemented. (9)
* Cookbook: guess column types. (230)
* Fix issue where all group keys were being cast to text. (235)
* Table.group_by will now default key_type to the type of the grouping column. (234)
* Add Matt Riggott to AUTHORS. (231)
* Support file-like objects in Table.to_csv and Table.from_csv. (229)
* Fix bug when applying multiple computations with Table.compute.



* Cookbook: dealing with locales. (220)
* Cookbook: working with dates and times.
* Add timezone support to DateTimeType.
* Use pytimeparse instead of python-dateutil. (221)
* Handle percents and currency symbols when casting numbers. (217)
* Table.format is now Table.pretty_print. (223)
* Rename TextType to Text, NumberType to Number, etc.
* Rename agate.ColumnType to agate.DataType (216)
* Rename agate.column_types to agate.data_types.
* Implement locale support for number parsing. (116)
* Cookbook: ranking. (110)
* Cookbook: date change and date ranking. (113)
* Add tests for unicode support. (138)
* Fix computations.ZScores calculation. (123)
* Differentiate sample and population variance and stdev. (208)
* Support for overriding column inference with "force".
* Competition ranking implemented as default. (125)
* TypeTester: robust type inference. (210)



* Cookbook: USA Today diversity index.
* Cookbook: filter to top x%. (47)
* Cookbook: fuzzy string search example. (176)
* Values to coerce to true/false can now be overridden for BooleanType.
* Values to coerce to null can now be overridden for all ColumnType subclasses. (206)
* Add key_type argument to TableSet and Table.group_by. (205)
* Nested TableSet's and multi-dimensional aggregates. (204)
* TableSet.aggregate will now use key_name as the group column name. (203)
* Added key_name argument to TableSet and Table.group_by.
* Added Length aggregation and removed count from TableSet.aggregate output. (203)
* Fix error messages for RowDoesNotExistError and ColumnDoesNotExistError.



* Fix missing package definition in
* Split Analysis off into the proof library.
* Change computation now works with DateType, DateTimeType and TimeDeltaType. (159)
* TimeDeltaType and TimeDeltaColumn implemented.
* NonNullAggregation class removed.
* Some private Column methods made public. (183)
* Rename agate.aggegators to agate.aggregations.
* TableSet.to_csv implemented. (195)
* TableSet.from_csv implemented. (194)
* Table.to_csv implemented (169)
* Table.from_csv implemented. (168)
* Added Table.format method for pretty-printing tables. (191)
* Analysis class now implements a caching workflow. (171)

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