What's Changed * Add huggingface provider for 475 by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/481 * Fix File Commands by rm4453 in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/485 * Update README.md by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/487 * Update README.md by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/483 * Tests by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/482 * Add working directory as a default location for commands that use files by ostix360 in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/491 * Feature: Add log provider requests support by hlohaus in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/490 * Improve gpt4free provider: by hlohaus in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/489 * Selectable torch by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/488
New Contributors * ostix360 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/491
What's Changed * DuckDuckGo Search Update by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/461 * Fix Run Chain, Add Smart Chat Chain Example by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/464 * poetry by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/465 * add logging instead of printf by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/470 * Migrate from DDG search to Searxng by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/476 * updates build pipeline by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/480 * some loggings by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/479 * Update README.md by localagi in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/478
What's Changed * Fix Agent Selection, Rework Tasks, Fix several prompts, Eliminated several prompts. by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/455