What's Changed
* Script to update the timezone in specified AGiXT Docker Compose files to the current server timezone. by egorelyshev in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1106
* Bump cryptography from 42.0.0 to 42.0.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1112
* Add object converter by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1113
* Add dev branch tests by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1114
* Add codestyle checks by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1115
* Dynamic workflow build by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1116
* Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1118
* Add Nvidia Provider and Documentation by birdup000 in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1119
* Hotfix Only output content on Nvidia provider by birdup000 in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1121
* Update chromadb, openai, ezlocalai by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1124
* v1.4.57 by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1126
* Add Claude 3 Support by Josh-XT in https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/pull/1127
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Josh-XT/AGiXT/compare/v1.4.55...v1.4.57