
Latest version: v0.9.1

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Bug Fixes

- Change SSW mirror due to the old one being down. (`167 <>`__)



Breaking Changes

- Minimum version of ``Python`` supported is now ``Python`` 3.8.0. (`159 <>`__)
- Minimum version of ``sunpy`` supported is now ``sunpy`` 4.0.0 LTS. (`159 <>`__)
- :func:`aiapy.calibrate.register` ``use_scipy`` keyword has been removed and replaced with a ``method`` keyword that defaults to use ``scipy`` by default.
It is also possible to use ``scikit-image`` or ``opencv`` or ``cupy`` (provided you have either one installed.) (`159 <>`__)

New Features

- Added a "cupy" method to :func:`aiapy.calibrate.register` that will use cupy to do the affine_transform. (`159 <>`__)



Bug Fixes

- Fixes a bug where columns in the pointing table used to update the pointing information were being converted
to masked float values.
This bugfix ensures that any column used in the pointing update does not have a mask and any values that
are masked are filled with NaN.
This bug arises in astropy>=5.0. (`151 <>`__)


- Fixed escaping of characters in equations in multiple docstrings. (`146 <>`__)



Bug Fixes

- Fixes a bug in `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing` concerning how the row in 3-hourly
master pointing table is chosen.
Previously, the row with ``T_START`` closest to ``DATE_OBS`` was chosen.
Now, the row corresponding to ``T_OBS`` greater than or equal to ``T_START`` AND
less than ``T_STOP`` is chosen. (`137 <>`__)
- Update the ``x0_mp`` and ``y0_mp`` keywords when updating the pointing information
in `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing`. (`140 <>`__)

Internal Changes

- In the case where a submap is passed into `aiapy.calibrate.fetch_spikes`,
create the full-frame WCS directly from the submap WCS rather than creating
an intermediate dummy full-frame map. (`139 <>`__)



Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug in the units on the table returned by `aiapy.calibrate.util.get_pointing_table`.
The ``X0`` and ``Y0`` columns were incorrectly being assigned units of arcseconds instead
of pixels. (`132 <>`__)
- Fixed an off-by-one bug in `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing` where the
``CRPIX1`` and ``CRPIX2`` keywords were not being properly updated from the
``X0`` and ``Y0`` columns in the master pointing table. (`132 <>`__)



Bug Fixes

- Fixed a compatibility issue with sunpy>=3.1 in which creating a full-frame WCS in
`aiapy.calibrate.fetch_spikes` was throwing an exception. (`126 <>`__)
- Added a check on `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing` so that passing in a submap or a map not at the
full AIA resolution, raises an exception. (`127 <>`__)

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