
Latest version: v0.9.1

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Breaking Changes

- Pin minimum version of Python to 3.7 (`114 <>`__)
- Pin minimum version of sunpy to 3.0.0 LTS.

New Features

- Added a new function :func:`aiapy.util.telescope_number` that returns the associated
telscope number for a given filter wavelength. (`116 <>`__)
- Added a new function :func:`aiapy.calibrate.util.get_error_table` to fetch and parse the
table with the associate error parameters.
This is used primarily in :func:`aiapy.calibrate.estimate_error`. (`116 <>`__)
- Added a new function :func:`aiapy.calibrate.estimate_error` to calculate the error for
a given set of AIA counts and the associated channel.
This is an exact port of the IDL function ``aia_bp_estimate_error``. (`116 <>`__)

Bug Fixes

- `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing` now skips updating keywords if the pointing values
are missing from the pointing table returned from JSOC. (`120 <>`__)



Backwards Incompatible Changes

- Pin sunpy dependency to ``<=3.0`` to allow for backwards compatibility with ``search_metadata``. (`111 <>`__)




- Add a flag to :func:`aiapy.psf.deconvolve` that sets negative intensity values to zero before performing the deconvolution. (`107 <>`__)




- Added a function (:func:`aiapy.util.sdo_location`) to obtain the SDO location at a given time. (`57 <>`__)
- Added a function (:func:`aiapy.calibrate.respike`) for reinserting hot pixels into level 1 images. (`62 <>`__)
- Updated default calibration version to 10.
Added test for version 10 (`90 <>`__)

Bug Fixes

- Updated default calibration version number for degradation correction.
Added tests for multiple calibration versions (`74 <>`__)
- Fixed a bug where an out of date calibration epoch was used if there were older duplicate versions available in the same epoch. (`90 <>`__)
- `aiapy.calibrate.util.get_pointing_table` now raises a more user-friendly `RuntimeError` if no pointing information can be found during the requested times.
Previously it would raise a `KeyError`. (`91 <>`__)
- `aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing` now searches 12 hours either side of the map date for pointing information.
This allows for some very rare instances where more than 3 hours elapses between pointing information updates. (`91 <>`__)



No significant changes.




- :func:`aiapy.calibrate.register` now raises a warning if the level number is missing or is greater than 1. (`94 <>`__)

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