Features * Add the `closing_async()` async context manager, in addition to `aclosing()` ([48](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/48)) Fixes * Allow importing aiotools on Windows platforms, removing incompatible modules from the default `__all__` import list ([47](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/47))
Features * Add `wait_timeout` option to `start_server()` ([46](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/46))
Fixes * Resolve singal races by minimizing expose of event loop in `afork()`-ed child processes ([46](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/46))
Miscellaneous * Now the CI runs with Python 3.11a6 or later, with stdlib support of `asyncio.TaskGroup` ([45](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/45))
Features * Propagate task results and exceptions via separate future instances if they are `await`-ed by the caller of `create_task()` in `PersistentTaskGroup`, in addition to invocation of task group exception handler. Note that `await`-ing those futures hangs indefinitely in Python 3.6 but we don't fix it since Python 3.6 is EoL as of December 2021. ([44](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/44))
Fixes * Fix feature detection for `ExceptionGroup` and let `MultiError` inherit `ExceptionGroup` instead of `BaseExceptionGroup` ([42](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/42))
Fixes * Restore the default export of `MultiError` for backward compatibility ([40](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/40)) * Set `current_ptaskgroup` only when `PersistentTaskGroup` is used via the `async with` statement. ([41](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/41))
Fixes * Fix missing naming support of `TaskGroup` in Python 3.11 ([39](https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/39))